Abusive people in relationships are the most two-faced people - TopicsExpress


Abusive people in relationships are the most two-faced people youll ever meet. they can charm any girl or guys parents, friends, co-workers and anyone else in public, but behind the scenes, they are carrying a lot of fear and insecurities. I would know because I used to be one. I was the guy that would be so friendly in person, but if the girlfriend i had even looked like she was looking at another person that was remotely attractive or considered a threat to me, I made sure I took that pain I was allowing myself to feel from it out on her when no one was looking. I was extremely verbally, mentally, emotionally abusive and twice i got to the point that I slapped her. I was ALWAYS the guy that was against that. i always said i wouldnt do that to a girl and couldnt believe when another person did. The thing was, It was always me, but i was in such denial. i denied it in order to maintain a false sense of power. I couldnt admit that I was afraid or insecure if I wanted to be powerful. The more I suggested she shouldnt do, the more I feared she would break those rules. I said I loved her, but I was only looking out for the feeling i had with having her as my companion. If I truly loved her and much as I claimed, I would have let her be free because I would care about her freedom and feelings as much as my own. i was selfish and no matter how many times I told her that i would change, it was just out of fear of losing her. it got to the point that she didnt fall for the bullshit anymore and so i began threatening her with killing myself. I became so fearful of losing her and the more i had with her that i would threaten my own life. i actually took a ride in an ambulance over-dosed on benzos once to prove it. the best thing she ever did was finally leave me for good. I suggest to any guy or girl in an abusive relationship right now to leave your companion immediately. It doesnt mean you dont love them. If you care about your well-being and their well-being, you will leave them so they are taught they cant treat people this way. if not for people, for the respect of yourself. Im telling you right now, they are more than likely change until something drastic happens. they are addicted to you and the power. they live in fear and that doesnt make them bad people, just lost people.They are like the addictive eater that eats for pleasure, eats junk and destroys their body and wont stop until they find out their have cancers or other diseases. They need time to reflect on their behavior or else the momentum of their current behavior will only pick up. Thing sin motion tend to stay in motion, things at rest tend to stay at rest. Give it a rest.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 23:28:09 +0000

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