Action finally. Lets hope that the opposition will get inboard - TopicsExpress


Action finally. Lets hope that the opposition will get inboard and undo the changes they made that put back the startup sector many years. -------------------- Up to 400,000 employees who own shares in the companies they work for will be better off under a relaxation of the tax rules on staff share schemes to be announced within weeks. The Abbott government will revoke Labor’s controversial 2009 employee share changes and is considering adopting elements of the UK government’s Sharesave scheme, which tax workers’ shares once they are sold. To limit the cost to the federal budget and target start-ups and small to medium businesses, the new scheme could include eligibility rules, including taxpayer income and employer size, but will not have the punitive tax impact of the arrangements now. The Abbott government will announce new tax rules as part of its landmark National Industry Investment and Competitiveness Agenda, which will also include new arrangements for research and development and the commercialisation of new products from public institutions as well as the private sector. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has agreed the previous government changes to the regime had created a “drag on innovation” and signalled Labor would support a relaxation of the tax rules. 2009 BUDGET The Rudd government’s 2009 budget was intended to save $200 million over four years by stopping executives ­earning more than $180,000 from minimising their tax. Instead many employee share schemes collapsed almost overnight after employees were faced with an upfront tax bill on shares that were yet to be realised. Before 2009, employees could defer the tax on shares or rights for up to 10 years, but Labor’s changes meant that tax must be paid immediately. Abbott ministers were told to submit their policy pitches by the end of July so that Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer Joe Hockey, Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane and Trade Minister Andrew Robb could sign off on the agenda. Government sources said there were hopes Mr Abbott might have been able to announce the agenda before Parliament returns on August 26 but Mr Abbott’s diplomatic efforts on the MH17 disaster had cast uncertainty over the timing of the announcement. Share options are often used instead of higher salaries in start-up businesses, with the promise of a greater return when the company lists on the sharemarket or sells to another company. Mr Hockey, Small Business Minister Bruce Billson and Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull, are supporters of the scheme, with Liberal MPs Tony Smith and Christian Porter ­leading a backbench group lobbying for the changes. Deloitte has recommended the scheme be limited to firms with less than $15 million turnover and for staff earning under $180,000 a year. SCHEMES ESSENTIAL The founder of Australian start-up Local Measure, Jonathan Barouch, said employee equity schemes are essential, but impossible to ­administer currently. “Australia is competing for global talent but the current employee share ownership plan legislation is making us fight with one hand tied behind our back,” Mr Barouch said. “American firms are luring our best and brightest engineers with the promise of equity and perks,” he said. Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand chairman Angela Perry said repealing the 2009 change would cost little and could even add to tax revenue. “The key thing for start ups is the opportunity to use options to attract and retain talent,” Ms Perry said. “For small to medium businesses, it’s a mechanism to engage staff and allow employees to become part-owners.” The group estimates changes to the rules could boost the economy by $143 billion over a decade. In the short term, the government could ­collect an extra $200 million a year tax revenue from extra employee-driven investment.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:37:52 +0000

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