Action speaks louder than words. You can say you respect your - TopicsExpress


Action speaks louder than words. You can say you respect your husband, But he will have a hard time believing that unless your behaviour back it up. What does respectful living look like? Here are many ways you can communicate respect to your spouse without uttering a word. 1) Choose joy- A happy wife makes a happy life or home, she will always rejoice with her husband. 2) Honour His Wishes- Give weight or important to what your husband thinks is essential, make those things a priority that matter most to him. Give Him Your Undivided Attention- Yes, I know women are multi-tasking, but when your husband is talking to you, look into his eyes, and listen to What he is saying with the goal of understanding and remembering his words. 4) Dont Interrupt- If you think you. Already know what your husband is going to say, allowing him to say it without cutting him off mid-sentence. 5) Emphasize His Good Points- Sure, he has his faults(as do you), but dwelling on them will only make You (both) miserable. Choose instead to focus on those qaulities in your husband that you most admire. 6) Pray For Him- Pray for your husband always and both of you will notice a transformation in your lives. 7) Dont Nag- Your husband is a grown man, so dont treat him like a two-year-old. Leave room for God to work. You are not the Holy Spirit, so do not try to do His job. 8) Be Thankful- Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Dont take your husband for granted. Appreciate for everything he does for you, whether big or small. Always say thank you.(1Thess 5:18;Eph5:20). 9) Smile At Him- Smiles spread happiness. Smiles are contagious and a smile makes any woman more beautiful. 10) Respond Physically- Do you know that the way you respond(or dont respond) to your husbands romantic overtures has a profound effect on his self-confidence? Dont slap him away when he tries to hug you or make excuses when hes in the mood. If you will make it your habit to do these things, the next time you tell your husband how much you respect him, he wont have to wonder if you really mean it. Husbands and wives try these things and you will see that happy home is yours.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:40:26 +0000

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