Actor Caitriona Ennis is playing the role of Rosie Hackett in our - TopicsExpress


Actor Caitriona Ennis is playing the role of Rosie Hackett in our forthcoming production of THIRTEEN, below she explains why Roise is so important and why we should honour her by naming the new bridge The Roise Hackett Bridge: "It started with a simple ‘No’ …. A young factory girl standing up to the injustice of her time simply saying no, refusing to back down and continuing to fight for the plight of others for over 60 years. Rosie Hackett, a lady I have had the honor of researching for ANU’S THIRTEEN. Rosie has become not only a part of my heart but has served as inspiration to me as a young Irish female. Why? Born in 1901 Rosie Hackett grew up in the tenements, in a state of poverty. Rosie as a young girl stood up against the oppression of her time risking her own future, home and job for the greater good, fighting for worker’s rights and those of the ordinary citizens, who were so brutally forgotten by the powers of 1913 Ireland. Rosie played a vital part in the lockout, in simply refusing to take off her red badge in support of the Union, simply saying no to the fear imposed by Ireland’s employers. In turn inspiring her peers to follow in her footsteps, from this moment on Rosie became a vital part of the 1913 lockout working within the soup Kitchen alongside Helena Maloney in Liberty Hall. In 1916 she worked as a messenger, Rosie then became a member of the Irish citizens Army occupying the Royal College of Surgeons alongside Countess Markievicz until her arrest. Close to James Connolly, Rosie printed the first proclamation and brought it to him herself. After the rising Rosie stayed working on Eden Quay continuing to fight for the people of Ireland until her death in 1976. Rosie Hackett worked and fought her whole life in this area. This is only a brief, VERY BRIEF, background into Rosie but one I feel I need to give before I ask you to stand with me in fighting for the New Dublin Bridge to be called the Rosie Hackett Bridge. I have many reasons for believing this is without a doubt the right choice, one of the most important being I EMPHATICALLY BELIEVE IT IS TIME WE RECOGNISED THE FORGOTTEN WOMEN OF IRELAND’S PAST, THE WOMEN WHO TOOK PART AND EXECUTED GROUND BREAKING WORK FOR THIS COUNTRY. Rather than a token figure Rosie Hackett stands as a feisty, strong and extraordinary young woman, her story needs to be heard and recognised for the simple reason that she offers so much to the Irish youth and people of today. It is time we commemorated the political, and important work so many Irish women have undertook throughout our History. A true figure who embodied the relentless strength of the Irish working class women. Rosie Hackett was an ordinary woman with an extra ordinary character that should be commemorated. Our history books reflect the role’s men have played within Irish History yet our women are often forgotten; their tireless contribution to this nation is forgotten. In supporting the Rosie Hackett Bridge campaign we can begin to eradicate this problem. Secondly 2013 stands as a year in which many Irish people face great hardship, Rosie Hackett’s young 1913 spirit, a hundred years on, should shine as a light of hope in these dark fearful times. A figure of strength, a figure who’s life story we can reap much courage from, courage to face injustice with restless determination and enthusiasm, courage we can begin to sow today. In naming a structure such as a bridge, I believe we should chose a name that represents a nation, a forgotten people, people that will not give up but rather stand up against the powers of inequality. Rosie fought to bridge the gap between injustice and justice for Irish Citizens. Rosie spent her whole life caring for others, dedicating her fighting spirit to the plight of others while never looking for any recognition. I think it is time we fought for her name to be celebrated, in turn celebrating the many many great Irish women who have gone before us. But most importantly, follow in Rosie Hackett’s steps and take action. Ring, email and write to your local Dublin City Counselor and state your plea to support the Rosie Hackett Bridge Campaign. The decision will be made on the 2nd of September that gives us to two weeks to make as much noise as we can. Spread the name Rosie Hackett! If you are not convinced, stay tuned in, as I plan to give as much info on her as I can in the next two weeks." Follow Caitriona’s (and Rosie’s) journey on twitter: @Caitriona_Ennis / #anuthirteen
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:29:32 +0000

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