Actually the article I posted was good but not my thoughts - TopicsExpress


Actually the article I posted was good but not my thoughts exactly. So I might as well write out my thoughts exactly. Many people have this idea of the police that they are here to serve and protect us. It says so on the side of the car (in some places) in NYC I believe the car door says Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect I might be wrong Im writing from memory... But those cool slogans are not the oaths they take. So the police are not there to serve or answer to the citizens. Its just not their job. Their job is to uphold the laws and their boss (aside from their superiors in the chain of command) is the authority of their jurisdiction. The President is the commander in chief of the US military, the Governor for State police and the Mayor for city cops. Many people who want to be police get into it (especially if its a long-time goal) to serve their communities and clean up the streets. That is admirable. However many cops take the job because it is just that- a job. Worse yet there are some people who get into it for the power and cover it provides. Basically Im saying something Ive written before, that there are good, bad and everything in between people on this planet. Those people do all kinds of work from coal miners to cops to politicians... some priests are almost living saints and some are child molesters, some strippers are making money to pay their pre-med tuition while some of em turn tricks on the side and rob their customers... The idea that there are both good and bad cops isnt a jab at police, its the acknowledgement that they are human. So with all the tension in the streets (which has been there for a while) and the frenzy in the news and internet there is a lot of conversation. Some want to blame police some want to blame the people. Some people believe that black people, especially black males commit more crime while many people say they are simply policed more aggressively. I tend to believe from looking at history and personal experience that its the latter but thats not the point here. Some people say the police need retraining while others say that the people need better home-training. Many black parents (definitely including my black parents) feel the need to tell their kids that if they ever are encountered by the police to do whatever they are told. Its not cause the police are always right in the situation, but because they are the authority figure and these parents just want to make sure their kids make it home safe. This brings me to my point. The Mayor of NYC publicly spoke about telling his 1/2 black son to obey police if ever encountered regardless of if he has done anything wrong. This is the lesson people want the black males to have right? People say if Mike Brown or Eric Garner would have simply listened and done as instructed they would be alive today. Finally a father is telling his young black son to shut up and listen to the authority figure. You would think this message would be applauded, but instead the NYPD has unleashed a public backlash against their boss and has taken to publicly booing and turning their backs on him. What happened to respect for authority? The NYC mayor asked for no protests until the slain officers were laid to rest. The NYPD decided to protest during the actual funeral. When the police take the life of a black male and face absolutely no repercussion the police are outraged by protesting. But when your boss is speaking at the funeral of one of your fellow officers or at your graduation ceremony that is a good time to protest? If the police are not on the side of tens of thousands of their fellow humans and citizens, and they are not on the side of the mayor and the city council, then which side are they on? It would leave it to be reasoned that they are on their own side. Thats a problem.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 17:50:40 +0000

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