Adam Higgins, an excellent human, has tapped me to do a 7-day - TopicsExpress


Adam Higgins, an excellent human, has tapped me to do a 7-day positivity/gratitude challenge, with 3 things per day. Sure, I can do that. May not be 7 consecutive days, but I can do 7 days. Heres day #1. 1. Im grateful to have a job. I was unemployed for the first half of this year, and it was pretty hard to avoid feeling worthless and inadequate during that time. Being employed makes it a little easier to keep those feelings at bay. 2. Im grateful that my mom is healthy, albeit kind of hard of hearing. Shell turn 71 in a few weeks. 3. Im grateful that Adam reached out to me for this challenge. Im by myself in a new city, and I havent made any social connections here yet, and Im kind of lonely. So its nice to know that there are people out there thinking about me, even in small, social-media ways. Im supposed to tap 3 other people to do this challenge each day that I do it. Adam is someone I think highly of, but we unfortunately almost never interact anymore just because our lives have gone in different directions. Im thinking Ill tap other people who fall into this category, starting with Luis Cholo Tellez, Tara Seng, and Sara L. Manewith.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 04:03:13 +0000

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