Adding These 8 Foods to Your Grocery List will keep you - TopicsExpress


Adding These 8 Foods to Your Grocery List will keep you healthy KIRSTEN KLAHN JULY 18, 2014 THESE DAYS, IT CAN BE OVERWHELMING TO TRY AND FIGURE OUT WHAT FOODS ARE ACTUALLY HEALTHY. BETWEEN FAD DIETS, MULTIPLE EXPERT OPINIONS, AND THE MILLIONS OF FOOD LABELS OUT THERE, PICKING THE RIGHT FOODS HAS NEVER BEEN HARDER. TO MAKE THINGS EASIER, HERE’S A LIST OF EIGHT FOODS THAT NUTRITIONISTS SWEAR BY. THEY’RE HEALTHY, PACKED WITH NUTRIENTS, AND HAVE THE POWER TO HELP YOU SHED A FEW POUNDS. READY TO HIT THE GROCERY STORE? HERE’S WHAT TO LOOK FOR. 1. Cauliflower “At just 25 calories per cup, it’s a calorie bargain. Plus, it’s super versatile, so you can use it as a low-carb alternative for your favorite foods … make cauliflower mashed ‘potatoes,’ create a cauliflower pizza crust, or pulse it in a food processor for ‘rice,’” Joy Bauer, the nutrition and health expert for NBC’s Today Show and founder of NourishSnacks, told Women’s Health. This cruciferous veggie is super healthy. According to The World’s Healthiest Foods, it plays a key role in cancer prevention, including against bladder cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer,prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. The super veggie provides special nutrients that help our bodies’ detox systems, boosts antioxidant levels, and helps with the inflammatory/anti-inflammatory system. Eat up and enjoy! 2. Avocado(not readily available in North India and is expensive.In Delhi available,it is grown in south and srilanka..Dr raza) This is every dietician’s must-eat food. Packed with healthy fats, this superfood fills you up, preventing you from wanting to snack in excess later. It also helps that avocados taste delicious and can go with pretty much everything. Redbook recommends putting slices on your salad for a tasty lunchtime treat. Another great benefit to avocados? They help your body absorb nutrients and are a great food when you’re on the go. Keep an avocado with you, and if you get hungry, cut it in half, sprinkle a small dash of salt and pepper, and enjoy with a few crackers. Who said eating healthy needed to be boring? 3. Almond Milk This delicious alternative to dairy is great on its own, in smoothies, with cereal, and in baked goods, per body+soul. And, similar to everything else on this list, it’s really healthy. It contains high levels of vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Just one serving will provide you with up to 30 percent of your recommended daily intake of calcium, in addition to 25 percent of your much-needed vitamin D intake. The benefits don’t stop there, though. Lifehack writes that it can help with weight management, keeps your heart healthy and, thanks to the calcium, is great for strong bones. It also helps keep your digestion in good working form due to the 1 gram of fiber per serving. 4. Water This one’s easy to work into your daily diet, since you can pretty much find it anywhere. “Water is extremely important for weight management. Our bodies will often feel hungry when we are actually just thirsty. I make my own fruit-infused water with citrus peels and cut fruit. I also have lots of non-starchy veggies. Fiber keeps us full and keeps our gut bacteria healthy, which research shows may play an important role in metabolism and weight management,” Dr. Michelle Davenport said to Women’s Health. Drinking plenty of water can help increase your energy and relieve fatigue, in addition to improving your skin’s complexion and boosting your immune system, according toMindBodyGreen. It also can go as far as to help cure headaches, which more often than not are caused by dehydration. 5. Cinnamon This spice packs a powerful antioxidant punch. Redbook writes that half a teaspoon a day can help regulate blood sugar. That’s important because when your blood sugar drops, it often makes you think you’re hungry — even when you’re not. WebMD says that cassia cinnamon may even help people with diabetes (because it helps lower blood sugar). In addition, lab studies have found that cinnamon may reduce inflammation, provide antioxidants, and help fight bacteria. Looking for a fun suggestion? Add a teaspoon to your coffee beans before you grind them – it’s healthy and tastes delicious. 6. Coconut Oil The saturated fat in coconut oil really does the body good. Its saturated fat consists of medium-chain fatty acids, meaning the body can quickly digest them and transform them into energy, body+soul reports. There’s something special about coconut oil’s fat, too. Our bodiesmetabolize it differently, meaning our body doesn’t actually store it as fat. If you’re looking for a few additional reasons to start using coconut oil, it increases your metabolism and promotes weight loss. It also provides a delicious flavor, and you can use it for cooking. 7. Beans First on the list, black beans, which are great for your digestive tract. Ideal Bite writes that the beans produce an acid that assists the colon in producing essential bacteria that keeps it properly functioning, which can help reduce colon cancer. It’s also packed with vitamins K, A and C, potassium, folate, iron, magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, copper, calcium, phosphorus, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and niacin. Your next bean option? White beans, which are jam-packed with fiber. Just one cup will provide you with folate, tryprophan, manganese, Vitamin B, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron while providing more than three-quarters of your daily fiber intake, per Ideal Bite. And last but certainly not least is garbanzo beans, which are chock-fill of nutrients, vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals. According to Ideal Bite, these beans help lower blood cholesterol levels and can reduce blood pressure and LDL (bad cholesterol). 8. Quinoa( is a new world (South American) grain and although it may be available in India there is no Hindi word for it yet...... Dr Raza “So what’s so special about quinoa? It contains nine essential amino acids and is one of the most complete kinds of protein you can possibly eat. Quinoa contains more amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and phyto-nutrients than most grains,” says Ideal Bite. It is also packed full of lysine, something that’s essential for healthy tissue growth and muscle repair. If you like to hit the gym hard, it’s important to try and work quinoa into your diet. Dr Mohsin Raza Senior Consultant General Surgeon Moderator -Worldofaligs Moderator -Abdomen & Chest Trauma , yahoogroups & Facilitator - Breast Cancer awareness among Indian women
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:27:09 +0000

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