Admin Please Hide My Name. Sorry for the long TEXT! True Life - TopicsExpress


Admin Please Hide My Name. Sorry for the long TEXT! True Life Story: I met my husband online 6years back during my last year in Tertiary. We stayed in different provinces (±2000kms apart). We fell in-love from the start, he was soooo loving, supportive & comforting. He was working but it he was on contract, he came to visit me & all was good. I graduated and got a leanership but not earning much, a few months later they did not renew his contract so he was cut off work & he went back home. My pay was raised with a few thousands at work & I could afford renting a flat, he would come and visit & I could go visit him at his home too - his family knew about us & they accepted me as their future daughter in-law. I applied all kinds of jobs for him so atleast he can work again as its what he wanted so bad. I managed to score a permanent job for him from a friend and was in, it was more paying than mine but I did not mind at all. He moved in at my flat & started working. 3weeks after starting working he started the silent treatment & there was really nothing there to fight for. I couldnt take it anymore so I went to my sisters place for a weekend & when I went back to the flat he had moved out, he didnt even wanna contact me anymore. A week or two later I did a pregnancy test & it was positive, I sent him an sms to inform him & within an hour he was there. He begged for forgiveness & we agreed on fixing things, within a month he had moved back again. All was well, he even sent his family to come pay for Damages & Lobola. I found out he was cheating with a lady next to his office later on the day they came to pay for lobola. When I asked him he said its just a lady who wanted to kill herself because her husband is abusing her so he told her he loves her so she can have something to live for. But he said hell come clean to her but refused to call or sms her in my presence. From there I kept finding him flirting with other ladies on social networks but he would always apologize & say he doesnt even know them or they dont meet. Our daughter was born & a month after I got a better job but the online flirting never stopped. A month after our daughters birth his father passed away & I was there for him every step of the way, my family even helped & supported financially & attended the funeral. Four months my mother passed away & he was also supportive. My family asked us to go stay at my home since the house was empty & he agreed. I moved home 1st with our daughter & he would come visit every weekend & by then I was pregnant again. We decided to get married officially & we did. A week after getting married I went to visit him since he havent moved to my home yet, I found out he was busy flirting with a new lady & when I asked him about it he hit me non-stop for the 1st & last time. I was 7months pregnant & the following morning I went back home. He kept trying to contact me but I never answered his calls or texts, he started coming to apologize & after a few times we got back together. A month before our Son was born he moved to my home but the online flirting never stopped, this time he was sleeping with other ladies when ever he would go on a work course. We stayed at my home for over a year until he got a way better paying job & moved to another Province. He kept pushing me to take a transfer to where he was until I did & they approve it 5months after he started working there. He came and fetched me & we left the kids behind with a nanny since we stayed in 1room. Ever since I arrived here hes been moody most of the time, hes happy for a week & just gives me the silent treatment & when I try to sit him down so we can talk he never wanted. He eventually told me hes looking for someone else & that I dont make him happy anymore & that hes not joking. A month after arriving he told me to move out, I did but a week after we fixed things. But we were happy for such a short time. Two months after moving back he told me to move out for good & that he doesnt want me anymore & its over for good, I told him Im going nowhere since Im tired of the up & downs. He gave me the silent treatment for 2months & started calling ladies in my presence, he started sleeping out for a day, then 3 then went away for a whole week he was off. I was dying inside & every time I tired to talk to him it was like hitting a wall. I took leave & went home for a week so I can spend some time with the kids & when I come back he was gone, he moved out. It came as a shock to me, a man I loved so much, a man I begged people to give a job, the father of my kids - he was gone. I was frustrated, stressed, did not know where to go or who to turn to, I knew no1 in this Province, Im broke & he left me loans I took for him. I moved to a room closer to work, in two weeks my 2years old Son had to be operated. I tried to contact his father to inform him but he changed all his contacts, apparently his family is also looking for him. I managed to get him through email & the respond was nothing I ever thought could come from him. All the bad things you could ever think of was on the respond. I managed to locate him & went to see him, the turn out was more than heart breaking - he was a stranger. I tried to give him time & kept trying to fix things but he doesnt ever wana see me anymore & the kids, he doesnt even talk to them anymore. Both families tried helping fix things when he started shutting me out but his respond was always that well fix things, when asked what I did wrong he said nothing. I couldnt spend a mere hour without thinking of him, I would cry every night, I could tell myself that he will come back again. But eventually I am moving on & applying for divorce - something I never thought I would go through in life. He was just not man enough for me & I tried to ignore it from start but now my eyes are open. Thats my love story. I am writing this to open eyes of all ladies who are in bad relationships, ladies who can see more wrongs than good in their relationships, ladies who are in any kind of abusive relationship. Please dont wait for the worst. Most men do not change, yes there good men out there but if you know yours is not one of them & the relationship is not a healthy one - RUN FOR YOU LIFE BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!! If thats what your instincts tells you. To those who were lucky enough to get a good man, treat him good also. A good man is hard to find. Happy Single Mom of Two Good Luck in Love. Only God is the answer to everything
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 10:14:33 +0000

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