Admin Share: My Story: We conceived July 7th, 2013 & found - TopicsExpress


Admin Share: My Story: We conceived July 7th, 2013 & found out at 4 weeks 4 days. I was excited to add a 3rd addition to our family (we have 2 boys aged 3 yrs & 14 months). Everything was going normal. No weight gain in the 1st trimester (Dr wasnt concerned cause same happened with my youngest). At 12 weeks 3 days we went for a routine OB appointment with my family Dr which was suppose to be an exciting day cause we would get to hear the heart beat for the first time. Well we ended up hearing nothing but the Doppler registered as 131 BPM so my Dr assured me there was a baby & told me that baby may just be to small or being stubborn. I heard my boys at 11 weeks so it was odd. I had a routine follow up paps coming up on September 24th because I had a Colposcopy & double cervical biopsy in March. I went to it & expected spotting afterwards. I ended up spotting for 5 days total in which on the 5th day September 29th I decided lets go to emerg & make sure everything is ok. I was 14 weeks exactly. We were then told after a bedside ultrasound that there was no baby at all. We had what is known as a Blighted Ovum pregnancy in which the egg is fertilized, implants & starts dividing half into baby & half into placenta/sac. The baby side had passed away & everything else kept growing. My body had dissolved the baby. I thought my no symptoms was just me getting lucky this time around. I never have sore boobs in pregnancy either. I got 2 positive HPTs & a positive blood HCG count because of the placenta giving off the hormone. We did 2 rounds of Misoprostol to complete the miscarriage since my body didnt do it naturally. October 2nd was the 1st round & October 4th was the 2nd round but a stronger dosage for first dose. October 7th everything was completed. We decided we would name the baby & felt strongly in our hearts that this baby was our baby girl. Her name is Ariana Blessing
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 03:43:05 +0000

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