Advanced Personal Training Essentials Progressive overload - - TopicsExpress


Advanced Personal Training Essentials Progressive overload - part 2 The ongoing pursuit of ever-greater levels of training intensity is inextricably linked to the critically important determinant of bodybuilding success: progressive overload. Indeed, by continuing to overload our muscles with increasingly heavier weights we will ensure that our training intensity is maintained at high levels. Aspiring bodybuilders often get stuck in a training rut; content to do the same exercises and lift weights that are just hard enough to present a degree of difficulty which justifies their reluctance to go heavier, they, unsurprisingly, experience little progress beyond the initial newbie gaining-period (typically the first year of training). This lack of progress is often blamed on poor genetics or limited time spent in the training trenches. The fact that you are reading this article means you want the best bodybuilding results possible. So as opposed to maintaining your current strength capacity, as so many do – and because such people do not force their muscles to do more, to prompt further adaptation, their training weights always seem to feel heavy – you must stress them in such a way that your body’s natural, adaptive response forces them to grow larger and stronger.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:30:17 +0000

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