Advice for avoiding dog bites! With an estimated 70 million dogs - TopicsExpress


Advice for avoiding dog bites! With an estimated 70 million dogs living in U.S. households, millions of people (mostly children) are bitten by dogs every year. Most bites, if not all, are preventable. So how do you avoid this? Education and prevention are the key to avoiding dog bites. Here are a few tips from the American Veterinary Medical Association to help you avoid a potential dog bite: Don’t run past a dog - Dogs naturally love to chase and catch things. Don’t give them a reason to become excited or aggressive. Never disturb a dog that’s caring for puppies, sleeping or eating. Never reach through or over a fence to pet a dog - Dogs can be protective of their territory, and may interpret your action as a threat. If a dog approaches to sniff you, stay still - In most cases, the dog will go away when it determines you are not a threat. If you are threatened by a dog, remain calm - Don’t scream or yell. If you say anything, speak calmly and firmly. Avoid eye contact. Try to stay still until the dog leaves, or back away slowly until the dog is out of sight. Don’t turn and run. If you fall or are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your head and neck. Protect your face.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 02:48:57 +0000

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