Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 30: I deeply love and cherish - TopicsExpress


Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 30: I deeply love and cherish the person that I am and my potential for being an awesome creation of the Universe! I am a blessed soul and I am a blessing for the people in my world! I am deeply thankful for all my blessings ♡♡♡ Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 29: I speak my truth with ease and gentleness. I know the power of my words and I use them wisely. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 28: I derive my power from surrendering my welfare to the Universe. I know all my needs are taken care of. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 27: Each day brings for me a chance to experience life in all its glory and I chose to live it fully ! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 26: I honor my gifts and words thereby increasing my power and blessings. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 25: I pursue my dreams with passion. Each day is a celebration of lifes gifts to me. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 24: I am fully self expressed in a positive and gentle manner. I successfully create a strong listening to what I have to say to my world ! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 23: I am worthy of receiving all good things in life and my blessings are ever increasing. .. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 22: I am at peace with myself. I live with ease and grace at all times! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 21: I enjoy the sense of peace and prosperity I naturally bring with my existence! All is well in my world! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 20: I am elegant and magnificent. I love the beauty and compassion that I carry within myself for my world! I am blessed and I am a blessing!! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 19: I love myself and I trust myself. I am worthy enough to experience beautiful miracles in every moment of my life! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 18: I am loving, I am lovable and I am loved deeply. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 17: Each moment I am more and more aligned with my Highest Good and Greatest Joy! And so it is!! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 16: I trust and flow with the rhythm of life. All my needs are met. I am safe. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 15: I am blessed with wisdom and elegance. I know with clarity and accept with gratitude, whatever comes from the realm of my Highest good and Greatest joy! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 14: I am powerful and I am loving. I am powerful and I am loved. I am powerful and I am loving it ! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 13: I am worthy of receiving all good in life. I love being me ! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 12: My blessings keep on increasing every day. I receive with gratitude and give with joy! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 11: I love the absolutely fantastic person that I am. I choose to live life from my Highest Good and Greatest Joy! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 10: I am deeply aware and thankful for my strengths.I explore and grow each day in beautiful ways!! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 9: I am worthy of receiving love and respect from the people in my life. I love them and they love me! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 8: I am now in love with myself and that feels awesome. I am grateful to receive all good in my life. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 7: I am blessed and I am a blessing for the people in my life. I am so thankful for the miracles I experience in my life ♡♡♡ Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 6: I accept myself the way I am, I celebrate my unique gifts and I am super glad to be ME! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 5: I am good enough to receive and enjoy experiences which are for my highest good and greatest joy! I rejoice in who I am and the blessings that manifest through me into this Universe!! Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 4: I am growing and evolving in each moment of my life. I trust myself and I trust the divine life forces. Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 3: I am powerful and gifted. I use my power and gifts with compassion and divine wisdom. Its so cool to feel cool about myself ♡♡♡ Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 2: I stand gracefully in my power and grandeur - gently and firmly - defining who I am and who I can be! I so very much love myself ♡♡♡ Affirmation for Self Esteem - Day 1: I love myself absolutely and unconditionally. It feels great to love and appreciate myself ♡♡♡
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 17:32:46 +0000

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