Africa Project 2014 ~ Lemurian Lights Phase 2 ~ Mary Magdalene ~ - TopicsExpress


Africa Project 2014 ~ Lemurian Lights Phase 2 ~ Mary Magdalene ~ Part 4 of the Series ~ Channelled through Michelle Manders© Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 30 May, 2014 Starlight Triple Shudder-Grid Activation ~ Crystal DNA Oversoul Flush Phase 2 ~ 12 new Akashic Portal Foundation Grid Activations Phase 1 Children are the most vulnerable, impressionable and gullible energies on your planet. And when there is a huge amount of trauma imprinted upon such a vulnerable and impressionable soul, that energy is guaranteed to be the system generating all forces of functionality and action within that mechanisms future. In simple terms, this means brainwash and traumatize a child sufficiently to the point that its entire future will be coloured and motivated by the most important and memorable impressions of its experience. And this, all of you, have been affected by. However, now is the time with all the training you have undergone, all the guidance you have received, to see now that to remain in any state of immaturity, any state of negative childish and child-like behaviour that brings pain and suffering and destruction to others is no longer tolerable. It is no longer acceptable and not just because of what it does to others, but because of what it does to you. It robs you of the power you are working so hard toward and that you have worked so hard in reclaiming. What is the point of investing all of this energy if you are going to insist on remaining a participant within the games of drama, of ego, of backbiting, backstabbing, gossiping, projection, judging, blaming and criticizing? In India, Lord Kuthumi-Agrippa stated emphatically that absolutely no soul has the right to call themselves a Lightworker or a Lightwarrior if they insist on standing in a position of projecting blame, judgment or criticism upon another. This message has to be spread far and wide for the Lightworker community is in a very precarious and dangerous position because many of the professed Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are in actual fact supporting dark agenda without realizing it. Thus through this phase now, through the Starlight Triple Shudder-Grid Activation and the 2nd Phase of this Crystal DNA Oversoul Flush we are bringing forth the energies which are penetrating the heart chakra at an intensively high speed of energy. These rays of energy are bombarding every program inside the human consciousness that insists on remaining attached to old lower ego behaviour patterns especially that of judgment, projection, gossip, blame and betrayal; betrayal in the form of backstabbing, the betrayal in the form of not keeping trust, not honouring commitments, shying away from opportunities to heal and grow; all of these are considered betrayals by your inner self. So let us not only focus on that which is projected outwards and that which is inflicted upon another; let us also help you to look at what it does to your internal mechanisms. Every time you gossip about another there is a part inside of yourself that knows that this is unsavoury behaviour and feels betrayed by you. That part that feels betrayed is the part of you that desires to move toward the Unity Consciousness of Unconditional Love, the part of you that chooses to remain in alignment with these higher vibrational energies. And when you do this you maintain the frequency of betrayal, judgment, projection, criticism, etc. flowing between you and the rest of your environment. This is where the Law of Karma is showing you another layer of its powerful energy and how simple projections can come back at you tenfold. And those who are insisting on projecting judgment, ridicule, criticism and gossip upon you, rest assured that what they are projecting onto you will return to them tenfold. So you might ask now, “Well then Mary Magdalene, if I am not gossiping, if I am not projecting judgment and criticism, why then is it still happening to me?” It is not happening to you. It is happening to those who are actioning that energy. Now listen carefully, if there are others in the world outside of you who choose to gossip about you in small circles or perhaps bigger circles, if there are others who are pointing fingers at you, ridiculing you and doing things that you know are untrue, then it is not affecting you. It is simply a profound manifestation of their own truth and this is why now through the 2nd Phase Crystal DNA Oversoul Flush and the Starlight Triple Shudder-Grid Activation that the Masters, the Lords, the Ladies and the Superior Hierarchy of the Light World are now announcing without further ado, zero tolerance of such behaviour amongst those who claim to be advanced Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. This is a vitally important process of this stage of where we are at with all of the projects conducted thus far, and where we are at this stage of the Africa Project. Mother Africa has been severely abused by the projection of negative energy. Mother Earth, as a collective, has also experienced this, however, Mother Africa has been falsely labelled as a dark haven of dark beings. What happened is that dark beings infiltrated the system and made it their haven which was fuelled by beings of darkness who had already infiltrated the lands of Europe and the lands of what you call the entire continent of the Americas. Mother Africa has been alive for billions of years, as has your planet as a whole. It has been impossible for the one to exist without the other. But the projection from the surrounding continents, so to speak, is what placed the very dark mechanisms of debilitation within her atomic structure. Now you, the authentic, advanced, spiritual Lightworkers, spiritual Lightwarriors and spiritual activists of your world, you are the ones that now ground what the grand hierarchy of the Light World is anchoring on your Earth, which as I have said is zero tolerance of childish, immature, black magic behaviour. I must repeat, those who profess to label themselves any kind of spiritual energy and who insist upon dappling in the black magic of gossip, judgment, criticism and projection of falsities upon the innocent ones will pay dearly, even if these ones are actively participating in any form of spiritual work and still go about with that behaviour. This means the repercussions will be even direr because it is not an unconscious ignorant participation in projection; it is a conscious, deliberate, diabolical projection. This is one of the most important shifts of consciousness for every single person on your planet claiming to be walking the path of the authentic ones. So through this Crystal DNA Oversoul Flush more and more charlatans will be exposed, more and more falsely professed Lightworkers and falsely professed Lightwarriors will pay their karma that is now due. And those of you who walk, work and live honourably, honouring the Laws of the Universe, you are the ones who shall rise as they fall. And this is not a fall that God is now bestowing upon them because they have been bad little boys or bad little girls. This is entirely brought upon themselves through their own action and deeds. And this is what every single person on your planet must come to accept in a completely new way. With the energies moving as they are instant karma is within a palpable system of energy surrounding each and every one of you. You are now being held accountable like never before. People who have been connected to you in the past, who have perhaps split away from you but still insist on projecting negativity toward you, do not waste any energy or time trying to defend yourself when you hear of what these ones are saying, let it be; for their just dues are now upon them. When souls work with the intricate energies we have been bringing through, are bringing through and will bring through, and refuse to walk the talk and insist on old paradigm behaviour, they are breaking an energy of consciousness which the power of Mother/Father God brought to the earth, and is being abused, because if you are in conscious understanding of what should be transpiring in the world and then insisting on still indulging in old paradigm behaviour then you are breaking the Universal Laws. You are deliberately, consciously, with intention breaking those laws. And this is the healing Mother Africa has called forth so that all the energies surrounding her, her true foundation of light and all the darkness that was imposed upon her can now be cleared. Excerpt, Mary Magdalene. Visit our FREE CHANNELLINGS section of our website for a variety of FREE teachings and processes in support of Global Healing and positive self-empowerment.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:13:59 +0000

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