After hearing of the tragedy in Ferguson Sunday, I have been on - TopicsExpress


After hearing of the tragedy in Ferguson Sunday, I have been on an emotional rollercoaster! As a mother of 2 sons, I feel this mothers pain and heartache. While praying for her, I hear about the riots and looting in areas very close to my family and friends. Again, still praying for peace for my hometown. Now there are tanks, National Guard and all available law enforcement agencies patrolling because a few people decided they wanted to take matters in thwir own hands. So now explain how burning down businesses is going to bring this child back, explain to me how rioting will improve thw community, for the businesses you destroyed will probably not rebuild and who is it hurting- US!! Now folks have no jobs, no money to feed and support their family, and residents will have to travel to the other side of thee city just to get groceries! What about the elderly who cant get around, what are they suppose to do for food, clothes, prescriptions, etc. I didnt understand this when it happened in the 60s and dont understand it now. I pray GODS MERCY ON ST LOUIS and that cooler heads prevail. I pray for Michael Browns family, for the safety of my family and friends and for the officer who did the shooting. Please pray with me for my hometown to stop this rioting and live in peace! MY PRAYERS AND LOVE TO ALL!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:08:08 +0000

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