After polling sixty two people on Facebook, including myself, - TopicsExpress


After polling sixty two people on Facebook, including myself, regarding their fifteen favorite films of all-time, the following are the results for the most popular films amongst my Facebook friends... 100. Dancer in the Dark (2000), dir. Lars von Trier 99. Halloween (1978), dir. John Carpenter 98. Lilja 4-Ever (2002), dir. Lukas Moodysson 97. Ghostbusters (1974), dir. Ivan Reitman 96. Back to the Future (1985), dir. Robert Zemeckis 95. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000), dir. Joel & Ethan Coen 94. Rushmore (1998), dir. Wes Anderson 93. Reservoir Dogs (1992), dir. Quentin Tarantino 92. Toy Story 3 (2010), dir. Lee Unkrich 91. Annie Hall (1977), dir. Woody Allen 90. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer 89. Red Beard (1965), dir. Akira Kurosawa 88. A Soldiers Prayer (1961), dir. Masaki Kobayashi 87. Road to Eternity (1959), dir. Masaki Kobayashi 86. No Greater Love (1959), dir. Masaki Kobayashi 85. Magnolia (1999), dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 84. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (1975), dir. Milos Forman 83. Blade Runner (1982), dir. Ridley Scott 82. Shame (2011), dir. Steve McQueen 81. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1967), dir. Sergio Leone 80. The Truman Show (1998), dir. Peter Weir 79. Almost Famous (2000), dir. Cameron Crowe 78. Chinatown (1974), dir. Roman Polanski 77. Singin in the Rain (1952), dir. Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly 76. Casablanca (1942), dir. Michael Curtiz 75. Army of Shadows (1969), dir. Jean-Pierre Melville 74. Ran (1985), dir. Akira Kurosawa 73. Eyes Wide Shuts (1999), dir. Stanley Kubrick 72. Paths of Glory (1957), dir. Stanley Kubrick 71. Metropolis (1927), dir. Fritz Lang 70. Fish Tank (2009), dir. Andrea Arnold 69. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), dir. Steven Spielberg 68. La Dolce Vita (1961), dir. Federico Fellini 67. Its a Wonderful Life (1946), dir. Frank Capra 66. Lost in Translation (2003), dir. Sofia Coppola 65. Fargo (1996), dir. Joel & Ethan Coen 64. The Graduate (1967), dir. Mike Nichols 63. Synecdoche, New York (2008), dir. Charlie Kaufman 62. The Thin Red Line (1998), dir. Terrence Malick 61. The 400 Blows (1959), dir. Francois Truffaut 60. Life is Beautiful (1997), dir. Roberto Benigni 59. Fanny and Alexander (1982), dir. Ingmar Bergman 58. City Lights (1931), dir. Charles Chaplin 57. The Breakfast Club (1985), dir. John Hughes 56. Rashomon (1950), dir. Akira Kurosawa 55. Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966), dir. Mike Nichols 54. Requiem for a Dream (2000), dir. Darren Aronofsky 53. Se7en (1995), dir. David Fincher 52. The Apartment (1960), dir. Billy Wilder 51. The Matrix (1999), dir. Andy & Lana Wachowski 50. The Dark Knight (2008), dir. Christopher Nolan 49. The Seventh Seal (1957), dir. Ingmar Bergman 48. Harakiri (1962), dir. Masaki Kobayashi 47. Rear Window (1954), dir. Alfred Hitchcock 46. Lawrence of Arabia (1962), dir. David Lean 45. Andrei Rublev (1966), dir. Andrei Tarkovsky 44. Come and See (1985), dir. Elem Klimov 43. Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012), dir. Benh Zeitlin 42. A Clockwork Orange (1971), dir. Stanley Kubrick 41. Once Upon a Time in America (1984), dir. Sergio Leone 40. Once Upon a Time in the West (1969), dir. Sergio Leone 39. In the Mood for Love (2000), dir. Wong Kar-wai 38. Vertigo (1958), dir. Alfred Hitchcock 37. Barry Lyndon (1975), dir. Stanley Kubrick 36. Before Sunrise (1995), dir. Richard Linklater 35. No Country for Old Men (2007), dir. Joel & Ethan Coen 34. 8 1/2 (1963), dir. Federico Fellini 33. Mulholland Drive (2001), dir. David Lynch 32. Jaws (1975), dir. Steven Spielberg 31. The Return of the King (2003), dir. Peter Jackson 30. Seven Samurai (1954), dir. Akira Kurosawa 29. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), dir. Michel Gondry 28. The Godfather: Part II (1974), dir. Francis Ford Coppola 27. A New Hope (1977), dir. George Lucas 26. Return of the Jedi (1983), dir. Richard Marquand 25. The Tree of Life (2011), dir. Terrence Malick 24. Raging Bull (1980), dir. Martin Scorsese 23. 12 Angry Men (1957), dir. Sidney Lumet 22. Her (2013), dir. Spike Jonze 21. The Double Life of Veronique (1991), dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski 20. Dr. Strangelove (1964), dir. Stanley Kubrick 19. Persona (1966), dir. Ingmar Bergman 18. The Shining (1980), dir. Stanley Kubrick 17. The Big Lebowski (1998), dir. Joel & Ethan Coen 16. The Silence of the Lambs (1991), dir. Jonathan Demme 15. Boogie Nights (1997), dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 14. Inglourious Basterds (2009), dir. Quentin Tarantino 13. Fight Club (1999), dir. David Fincher 12. Psycho (1960), dir. Alfred Hitchcock 11. The Shawshank Redemption (1994), dir. Frank Darabont 10. The Empire Strikes Back (1980), dir. Irvin Kershner 9. Citizen Kane (1941), dir. Orson Welles 8. There Will Be Blood (2007), dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 7. American Beauty (1999), dir. Sam Mendes 6. Goodfellas (1990), dir. Martin Scorsese 5. Apocalypse Now (1979), dir. Francis Ford Coppola 4. The Godfather (1972), dir. Francis Ford Coppola 3. Pulp Fiction (1994), dir. Quentin Tarantino 2. Taxi Driver (1976), dir. Martin Scorsese 1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), dir. Stanley Kubrick That took a while to type.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:27:19 +0000

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