After reading an article my brother Jonathan shared it brought an - TopicsExpress


After reading an article my brother Jonathan shared it brought an series of interesting thoughts into my mind. This year is going to be a rough year at Christmas for the Camerons. I am unable to buy whatever the thing is that each one is hoping for from Santa. If we figure something out they will each receive just one. Anything else will have been made with love by our two hands. I really would like my children to approach this holiday in a different way, one that honors the celebration of the birth of Christ. Ive decided to do my best to afford some craft supplies for them to use so they can make things for our local seniors at the senior center or convalescent homes, or offer a little something to our servicemen and women who are oversees, or just finding our own place in this world and sharing my interpretation of approaching these times during the year with maybe an outlook theyve not yet tried. In doing this maybe I might plant that seed of wonderment, spurning thoughts of their own on what their interpretation of this season is and what expression might they want to produce to others in their quest to honor our Lord. No doubt there will be some level of disappointed, Ive already read Christmas letters to Santa with long explanation of all of her accomplishments this year and how hard she has worked to be a good citizen and a loving person. Even how she has been working extra hard on earning money from mommy and daddy and she would give santa what shes earned if he could just bring her that gift. I think at the end of it all though, I hope to have shown my babies many different things to think about when deciding on what the most important things in life are to them. Change begins with a thought,,, and if you live with the attitude and focus on what youhave, what you are and what you want to be or do its much more fulfilling than focusing on what you dont have, your imperfections, and how you feel you have failed.I want my babies to live see life is so much more than the ps-4 or laptop, satisfaction is found internally and not outside in the form of a reborn baby doll, and that love and value are immeasurable in dollars but instead in kindess, honesty, service, commitment, and passion for life.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:25:02 +0000

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