After receiving a letter from the kirklees council telling me to - TopicsExpress


After receiving a letter from the kirklees council telling me to send my personal information regarding electoral registration I found two things quite disturbing. The first being that my personal info will be sold by the government on the open register ( check the last page ) and the second being should I not send the info back I could be fined £1000! So not being one to accept things without reason I rang the number on the back. After being palmed off by two employees, who may I add are civil servants, I left my number so their person who deals with legal matters could contact me after his lunch. Some 40 minuets had passed and low and behold they rang me back to my surprise this is what was said. I stated I had received a threatening letter from the council demanding I complete said form in fear of being fined £1000 the man stated it is a legal requirement, I asked whether it was legal or lawful he said legal, I asked if he knew the difference he replied no and began to cite random laws I asked if he knew what they were he said no. Now I asked whether it was logical to expect me to vote in a democracy that demanded I comply through fear? I explained that sounded like a dictatorship, he was silent I then stated is nonsensical to expect me to pay my oppressor through taxes to oppress me , the man remained silent I then asked that if I gave him my bank details would he kindly make sure that when they have sold my details that my bank account be impressed, he explained he didnt understand and gave me the number for the electoral commission I thanked him and urged the man to think about what I had said. I rang the said number to complain the lady who answered the phone also explained she couldnt help and explained I am debating the law of the land and should contact my local MP, what do you think I did next? Now if you read the text and got to this point and still wonder why I have gone this far, I would like to say this. My point is my right to be free and not be ruled by fear or monetary loss remember demos (people) kratos (rule) democracy we must defend our right to freedom how many mourned the anniversary of the great war and the loss of life? And why did they do it to protect our freedom! So more people must highlight the ridiculous rule of the elite or our way of life and freedom will amount to nothing as we are led down a legal path to actual slavery.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:56:28 +0000

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