After talking with my good friend and distant relative,Charles - TopicsExpress


After talking with my good friend and distant relative,Charles Tankersley,I thought I would tell my Grand daddys story about Bonnie and Clyde.He said in those days they used to go through Granbury fairly regularly,often stopping for gas and a bite to eat.Clyde would say fill er up and give the kid a five or a ten and say keep the change.During the Great Depression,in Granbury Texas,that was a ton of money.Gasoline cost about 15 cents a gallon then.So Bonnie and Clyde would head over to the drug store and have a hamburger and a malt,maybe do some window shopping and site seeing,while surrounded by a growing throng of gutter snipes my grand father include.By the way the term Gutter Snipe was his and not mine.When Bonnie and Clyde got ready to go,Clyde would take the change from his pockets and toss it into the air watching the children scramble in the melee for money.Then into their souped up 1933 Ford Sedan (Not the car they were killed in) and away they went firing guns into the air.Where the Sheriff was at this time is anybodys guess.I expect that the Sheriff felt that his 15 dollar a month salary did not include being killed by the Outlaw duo.THX PAPA for this great story.We all miss you very much.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:23:34 +0000

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