After two days of stewing - I still have the ultimate respect for - TopicsExpress


After two days of stewing - I still have the ultimate respect for Sanctioning of bodies. Oh, wait, that would be the SCCA politics... Same respect as before, but I also have to modify it and say - the LOCAL SCCA, SFR. SO this guy, he races maybe every-other year in a car thats about a 1998-rule-book car - does this to keep his logbook alive. One race. Hes the Alternative licensing go-to and has appointed four of his chums as suitable alternative license instructors. ONE of those is not in the clan of ... that has something against me that dates back to about 1979. I have no idea what it is other than that I DRIVE my car at events, even if I drive it to events. Its possible and likely that I beat one of them in front of their friends with a car that I bought for $500 in high-school, when their car was a bona-fide SCCA Road Racer and they were real SCCA Road Racers. ~Mind you, this was also in the days where a couple of track days with the Capri club or Datsun club and having a DO sign off on you was how you got a real license~ Anyhow, he has the opinion that Im not current, good enough, well trained, whatever to qualify for the alternative licensing program in this region. How many races has he done in three years? Ive done TWENTY. How many flags do I need to memorize for SCCA standards? 12 different conditions of eight flags. Three yellow, two black, two white, plus track-condition, faster-traffic-behind, red, green and the checkered. ~f-ing brain surgery, that, oh, wait... Doctors and lawyers race here... Ive raced vintage, albeit long ago (Their rule-book says it no longer counts) and he says Lemons doesnt use all the flags. What else is lacking? You dont have gridding experience the way SCCA does it. HAHAHAAA. Ive again that Vintage a few years ago, plus being helping crew with a few friends what do have alphabet-soup license. It aint that hard. 5min, 3min, 1min, go. Keep abreast of the guy next to you, follow at a reasonably close distance to the guys up front what set the pace. If you are up front, set a reasonable speed (not all out) to roll across the line with. In other words, Im a prime candidate for the alternative license program -but... he goes on to say that every tom dick and harry is trying to use that procedure to get a license cause the Run-offs are in Laguna Seca this year - both after Ive stated the intent is for a single event OUT OF REGION, and after Ive given the description of the car - which is NOT eligible for the run-offs. Basically stating it would be a waste of time, theirs and mine, to fill out any paperwork. And then he elicited that Crazy Mike is a thing thats going to make it so I have to go through the hoops. Yah know how I got the nick? I showed up to a Christmas party, freezing temps, in a down jacket, shorts and barefoot. 110 miles away from home. I babysat people praying to the porcelain alter til 2 or 4, then drove home... Truth. So... Ive spoken with people out of region. Im going to go hunting for people w/o a chip on their shoulder, Ive been complimented by people I respect on a variety of racing skills Ive shown - And been given a head-that-a-way towards a couple of regions that arent SFR. Ive also had SFR described to me in anatomical detail. Ill have to agree. Or get some sort of waiver for the single event: canamminichallenge/ ~Still pretty pissed off, but better~ Thanks very much to Dr.K and Bill - and a few others of you. you know who you are :-)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 18:48:15 +0000

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