After watching the American Sniper I have been thinking…ISIS is - TopicsExpress


After watching the American Sniper I have been thinking…ISIS is multiplying like rabbits and on their quest to reestablish the Ottoman Empire by declaration of Islamic Caliphate. Putin would like nothing more than to regain the former Soviet Union. Anti-Semitism is on the rise. According to the USA Today Iran could have a nuclear bomb at any time. We have suffered under the eating away at our Founding Principles and Values for the past 100 years. The implementation of Progressive game plan started like a termite colony under your house and it has been eating away slowly without most people even knowing it. Progressives believe they must take the power away from the people in which the Founders gave it to because only they know what is best for the Collective. They must establish themselves as the rulers at the top of the Tower (reference Tower of Babel) by elimination of any resistance from those referencing Founding and Christian principles values. They believe they can establish a perfect society only if they are overseeing the civil society, regulating the economy, and redistributing wealth. I was watching MSNBC this morning which is the barometer of American Left and they are proudly proclaiming Progressism as their goal and that Obama will be taking Wealth Redistribution to a whole new level. In other words the termites are swarming and the damage has been done. We need more people to wake up and realize to repair the damage sanity must rule not insanity. We elected an unqualified president twice that was raised and mentored by communists, spent 20 years in a church that hates America, started his political career in the house of an unapologetic terrorists, we must return to our principles and values that established the greatest country and opportunity ever. There is so much talk about the “Center” and we have lost sight of the center…the center is Biblical principles which produced the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Any Federal Government involvement beyond the protection of our Borders is to the “Left” of our Founding Principles and on a road to no return to self-destruction.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 03:01:23 +0000

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