After we revolted against the tyrannical British Empire, we - TopicsExpress


After we revolted against the tyrannical British Empire, we established the Federal Government, which included a Federal Executive, Federal Court, and Federal legislature. The federal government promptly began taxing everyone, refusing to pay veterans, and increased the pace of genocide of American Indians. As quickly as 3 years later, after Shays Rebellion Jeffersons words: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. fell on deaf ears. We opted for security and stability over freedom. Using Shays Rebellion as the first excuse of many to strengthen the centralized federal government, more and more freedoms were stripped away one by one. As more and more crises occurred, the federal government was careful not to let the crisis of the day go to waste, and used them to rationalize their tyranny. Finally, in 1913 we handed our nation over to the bank cartels to steal property and keep the people in perpetual debt. Our government then began to focus on restricting freedom by making things that were once up to the states the domain of federal government. If they over-reached to the point that it harmed their political power, they would give back a portion of the freedoms they stole, thus simultaneously placating and fooling the general public into believing the Federal government has the authority to pass laws to allow us our freedoms. We all know something is terribly wrong with our nation, but the question is, where do we go from here?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 04:14:46 +0000

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