Ah. Here it comes. The anti-anti-Russell-Brand-backlash backlash. - TopicsExpress


Ah. Here it comes. The anti-anti-Russell-Brand-backlash backlash. Moaning about the predictable criticism of Russell Brand. Well, if a criticism is predictable, maybe thats because its bloody obvious. I mean, if you dont want people to call you incoherent, you could always try being less incoherent. Hes walking into every trap the right wing like lefties to fall in. Hes naïve; ignorant; inconsistent. He uses words he doesnt understand. He doesnt seem to know any history at all. Hes giving us a bad name, dammit. I remember a Fry and Laurie sketch which contained something along the lines of: Of course, people say its easy to criticise Margaret Thatcher. And it is. Pathetically easy. Its really no effort at all to point out the many things that are terribly wrong with her and her government.... So I will criticise him, even though his basic point - that our societys inequality is unjustifiable - is a very good and important one. Why? Because his revolution is the kind that just makes things worse; the kind that wants to tear everything down but hasnt given much thought to whats going to be built in its place afterwards. Plus, I will criticise anyone who uses the word frequency to refer to anything other than the number of times something happens in a given period. Of course all the people from the Mail and the Telegraph can jump on the inconsistencies and flaws in his argument and use the observation to discredit anti-capitalism and the left in general - to portray everyone who doesnt want more privatisation and less welfare as a swivel-eyed hippy with no idea about the real world. Which is another reason why we need to distance ourselves from his little cult that hes obviously trying to become the Messiah of.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:44:57 +0000

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