Ah, the ol filibuster. McConnells BFF. And its demise when - TopicsExpress


Ah, the ol filibuster. McConnells BFF. And its demise when appointing non-SCOTUS judges. If by the time Obama left office hed been stymied about as much as all prior combined, you get the general problem, and its not weak appointments as much as the laws that get stymied in the Senate arent weak laws. If youre a GOPer and have been hyperventilating for days because Obama will pack the courts with libtards, sedate yourself. Much like Obama has GOPers in his cabinet, most notably Robert Gates last term and now Chuck Hagel, hell be pragmatic about who he nominates. The beautifully logical and very simple idea that majority rules is not hard to grasp.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 01:04:25 +0000

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