Ah, what a wonderful return to England! After 12 years’ absence, - TopicsExpress


Ah, what a wonderful return to England! After 12 years’ absence, I led Body, Heart & Soul 1 at my old haunt, the EarthSpirit Centre near Glastonbury. I used to present the four Body, Heart & Soul workshops regularly – all through the 90’s and into the first years of this century. I remember the magic of the first workshops when there was so much still to refine and polish as I guided my vision into existence. For me the creating never ends. The men and women who spent last week opening to each other and adventuring into the full celebration of their bodies, hearts and souls inspired me as much as they always have. Once I’m in the workshop, my passion is to keep finding ways to take their experience deeper, to make it more beautiful and so to create a still more potent journey into the very real essence of Tantra. I hope these photos convey something of the magic and the amazing openings and awakenings that happened for the participants. For me personally it is such a delight to marry again the workshop I love so much with this enchanting seminar centre that seems to breathe the old legends of Avalon. And thank you so much, all you who gave me permission to post your radiant faces here! In the coming days I’ll post more photos and perhaps a podcast or two that convey something of the essence of Body, Heart & Soul, and a hint of the mystery that is the endless source of my own inspiration. And yes, it will be at EarthSpirit again in July next year: artofbeing/event/body-heart-soul-1/
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 18:56:34 +0000

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