Aidrians school chose her story for the August BEACON - TopicsExpress


Aidrians school chose her story for the August BEACON Newsletter! The Story Of AIDRIAN ROSSER by Howie Rosser “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” PSALM 139:14 This was the scripture that my wife, Isabel, and I chose for Aidrian for her first year attending the Little Light House in the fall of 2012. We ourselves praise God at all the wonderful works that have taken place in Aidrian’s life…and yes, “we know them full well” also. Because of the Little Light House school, we have seen a tremendous growth in Aidrian’s life, that otherwise may have not taken place. It was August 2008 and my wife Isabel was 4 ½ months pregnant. The doctor measured Isabel’s stomach because it seemed to be larger than expected at that time. To our surprise, the sonogram revealed to us that we were having twin girls. Because of the way the babies were growing, we were referred to a specialty doctor that informed us that the babies would need to come out early because Isabel had Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome. One baby, the one smaller than the other (often called the donor twin) does not get enough blood while the larger twin (often called the recipient twin) becomes overloaded with too much blood. In an attempt to reduce its blood volume, the recipient twin will increase the urine it makes creating much amniotic fluid around this twin. At the same time, the donor twin will produce less than the usual amount of urine and the amniotic fluid around it will become very low or absent. Six times fluid was extracted from the sac of one fetus (Aidrian) to reduce the pressure (amniocentesis. To prevent further jeopardy, the doctor made the decision to take the babies out early by c-section at 25 weeks / 15 weeks early. On October 14th, 2008 at 12:35 pm Aidrian Josephine Rosser and Annabel Deena Rosser were born. Aidrian came out first weighing 1 lb 3 oz measuring 11 ¾ inches, and Annabel Deena Rosser was second, weighing just 13 oz measuring 11 inches. To give you an idea of how tiny they were, the thumb ring I wore could easily slide to the top of their hip and was still loose. Their heads were the size of a lemon! Four days after they were born, both twin girls had perforations in their intestines and emergency surgery was done. Drain tubes kept their bodies from getting toxic and becoming septic. Unfortunately, despite all the intensive care and medicine provided, Annabel’s kidneys were underdeveloped and never started working. She died after 19 days on Sunday, November 2, 2008. Aidrian’s ileostomy was healed and after five months of being in the NICU, she finally got to go home with us, weighing then at 5 lbs. As a result of Aidrian’s premature birth, she had at least three detected brain bleeds that caused damage and softening of the brain. She was later diagnosed as having cerebral palsy. “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” ISAIAH 53:5
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 16:07:00 +0000

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