Aint gona lie, this has be one of the closes definitions of a - TopicsExpress


Aint gona lie, this has be one of the closes definitions of a Capricorn Ive come across. People who think that Capricorn can be summed up by mundane ambition are sadly mistaken. Hardworking, cautious, shrewd, ambitious, you are also, in your secret heart, a kind of magician, a seeker after mysteries. To manipulate and organise the stuff of the world is no mean feat, and takes more than just ordinary garden-variety patience. Whichever realm you achieve it in, inner or outer, you apply the same principles to it, and those principles can be summed up in one word: mastery. It isnt easy to get to know Capricorns. Many Capricorns have to carry responsibility or hardship early in life, and you learned long ago not to complain. You probably learned by the tender age of three that you let the other guy show his cards first, and always keep an ace or two up your own sleeve. Suspicious? Yes, one might say that. Sometimes the suspicion gets too extreme, and becomes a profound mistrust of life and people. But the positive side is caution and realism. You, more than any other sign, know that there are no free lunches. Everything to you is a kind of deal, even when your motives are genuinely noble and altruistic. The keynote of all earth signs is realism, and Capricorn is, par excellence, the sign of the ulterior motive. Its also a sign of immense subtlety. No one ever really knows your motives, and you rarely do anything without a purpose. All that canny waiting and assessing, hard work and sacrifice, are always directed toward an end. For a while you may play the humble servant who has no ambitions, while you wait and assess and plan - although that role doesnt suit you well at all. Capricorns like having authority, and often spend a lot of time in youth kicking against authority while they work out how to find their own. Theres no time for wasted time, no space for useless leisure and play. The Capricorn wit is often ironic, full of a sense of lifes incongruities. Thats part of your underplayed charm. But life, for you, is a serious business, and survival means mastery. To Capricorn, the world isnt a friendly, bountiful place. You take nothing for granted, least of all luck. Your goals give your life a sense of meaning, and achievement may count more than romance. Passionate, impulsive flings are all very well, but they arent very permanent, and they dont put a roof over your head. All that realism can lead to a deep sense of isolation and aloneness. It can also lead to a craving for power, and that can be one of your biggest difficulties in relationship: you find it immensely difficult to relinquish control. Capricorn isnt a great gambler in the sphere of the passions, and being a fool for love isnt your idea of fun. Yet once you feel secure, the deeper, more tender and more profound side of your nature is likely to emerge. Capricorn, far from being a ruthless materialist (except out of necessity), is a reflective and often deeply introverted soul. This sign is what is known as a late bloomer. That means you do all the hard bits first, and the freedom and joy come later. In your heart youre a builder, and often a selfless one, building for others with your immense skills and power of will. Beneath the sometimes overly conventional garb is the potential for a profound, rich wisdom based, not on abstract theories and philosophies, but on real experience.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:29:34 +0000

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