Ain’t nothing wrong with gay people. Something wrong with your - TopicsExpress


Ain’t nothing wrong with gay people. Something wrong with your religion. There are some things in everyone’s life that is not the worst thing. But you can’t be a part of it because it coincides with what you truly believe. Now everything everyone believes in is not the right belief and its not the wrong belief either. It like meeting in the middle of the road on what’s good. Not letting you belief hurt other human beings. People are people what ever the case maybe. Yes, we do need each other. Yes, people need people. And yes we are here to teach and learn from each other. But don’t let your teaching be a degrading of another human beings. What I learned in the Bible Jesus was nice to everybody. It didn’t matter who they were. And he spend most of his time here with the less savory people. What we call whores, thieves and crazy people. Jesus even saved a murderer on the cross. So why is it so hard for us human beings to genuinely respect other people for what they are. Why do people tell other people it is wrong to be are feel the way they do? Just because it’s different from their thoughts or feelings. I be thinking a lot about religion lately and I understand we must be taught about the word of GOD. We are not born with understanding of what is expected of us from our Heavenly Father. Our Bible tells us we were born in sin. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Now right there I don’t see no pick and choose of person. “As a matter of fact” The last time I check all, means all, not some, So don’t be judge other people. Y’all know GOD done told us something bout that judging too. I said all that to say this. Some things in this world your religion ain’t got nothing to do with. I’m gone say it again in case you don’t get it. Some thing in this world your religion ain’t got nothing to do with. A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. In other words your religious belief is yours. And just because you believe in some thing that doesn’t make it right. Or justify your belief when you use it to hurt other people. Even if you just hurting their feelings. In other words Religious Bible toting, god fearing, church goers, need to stop treating gay people like they need to be saved from being gay. For real though? You can holler my religion all you want too. It don’t make it right. If you goal is to be more like Jesus, Than you need to go back and read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Because Jesus was representing our Heavenly Father. And he showed love to everybody. And when he was healing people. I don’t remember gay people being on the medical charts. Jesus didn’t feel a need to heal them. Or save them from themselves. And yes, they existed before Jesus was born. They were Kings and Queens and rulers. They fought in wars and they were merchants and for all y’all know they could have been a disciples too. What I do know is they are people. And they have gotten some bad deals from society. And the worse is religious people. They want to destroy the integrity of a gay person. Make them believe something is wrong with them for being gay. I personally think people that feel that way about their own mankind need to stay on the altar and pray for themselves. And pray they learn how to accept all GOD’s people. Because weather they believe it or not GOD accepts them. Each and everyone. Oh and I do too. :) Dont change for nobody. They dont know how you feel. They not in your body. Just be good as you can be and love the Lord GOD almighty cause he got your back. I just be thinking
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 19:38:24 +0000

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