Alan Watt Explains the Music Industry and Musical Mind - TopicsExpress


Alan Watt Explains the Music Industry and Musical Mind Control ... ..Im back here with Cutting Through the Matrix, and what a matrix it is. Theres many levels to this matrix and the beauty of it is most people dont know theyre in it. They think its all quite natural. That the beauty of perfect propaganda and indoctrination...... .. .. The higher ones, the ones in the bigger companies certainly, certainly do, absolutely. Ive met them and Ive worked with some of them. The trick was always for me to try and get messages out in songs that still were popular but bypassed the political correctness that was getting pushed in different directions. Yes, the ones higher up are all experienced in the sciences of sound and the manipulation on the human mind of particular types of sound, the emotional effects it has on people and also the combination of words, which can have almost a magical impact on young people, who parrot generally the choruses. They vaguely understand or remember consciously some of the main verses, but the subconscious really listens carefully and retains these subliminally, you might say, in the background verses. They actually act upon it. It programs them to act out and they start to change their speech. Theyll copy the little words, the neologisms as they call it for new words. They start to mimic them. They dont know where it came from and they dont question anything..... .. They had meetings in 1904 on this very topic, international meetings on the use of music. One guy from New York who was experimenting with a new type of what became really jazz, not Dixieland Jazz but the more sort of discordant type jazz, and he was kidnapped eventually after the Russian Revolution and taken over there because the Russians understood the significance of music on the minds of the youth and they worked heavily on this. They came out with the Beatnik Era. That was a communist invention, where they would associate a particular dress code, type of music and the use of marijuana for the west and use this kind of discordant music, which put you into almost a hypnotic state. Nothing really mattered. Anything would go and it took off really well in Europe, but it didnt quite make it for the U.S. and Canada, so they had to go back and revamp it and turn out pop music. Guys like Martin that worked with the Beatles was really a scientist in acoustics and how it manipulated the mind, because if you listen carefully to the types of arrangements and so on that were done in the early music, it was definitely not done by back-street musicians or three-chord wonders, but by people who really knew their stuff and how to get particular type of emotions attached to the words that they were putting out. When you have an emotive attachment to the wording itself, it imprints itself on the mind, the brain and you will never forget it. It will affect your personality in fact... .. rest here >>https://youtube/watch?v=Xbf7vWe5stI or here for the complete CUTTING THROUGH THE MATRIX >> >cuttingthroughthematrix/
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 01:49:37 +0000

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