Alberto Sabino Gaza and its gas in the crosshairs Manlio Dinucci - TopicsExpress


Alberto Sabino Gaza and its gas in the crosshairs Manlio Dinucci - To understand what is one of the goals of the Israeli attack on Gaza is accurate depth, just 600 meters under the sea level, 30 km off its coast. Ali, in Palestinian territorial waters, there is a large reserve of natural gas, Gaza Marine, estimated at 30 million cubic meters valued at thousands of dollars. Other deposits of gas and oil, according to a letter written by the U.S. Geological Survey (U.S. government agency), are on solid ground in Gaza and the West Bank. In 1999, under an agreement between Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian Authority shall exploit the Gaza Marine to a consortium formed by British Gas and Consolidated Contractors Group (Palestinian private company), with respectively 60% and 30% of the shares, in which the investment fund of the Authority has a 10% stake. Two wells, Gaza Marine-1 and Gaza Marine-2 were drilled. But these are no longer in operation, because they are blocked by Israel, which claims to have all the gas at affordable prices. Tramite by former premier Tony Blair, sent by Quartet for the Middle East, was prepared an agreement with Israel that takes three-quarters of the Palestinians coming future gas resources, addressing their part in a internacionale account directly controlled by Washington and London. But soon after winning elections in 2006, Hamas has refused the agreement, defining it as a robbery, and called for its renegotiation. In 2007, the current Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon warns that the gas can not be extracted without a military operation that would eliminate the control of Hamas in Gaza. In 2008, Israel launches Cast Lead operation against Gaza. In September 2012, the Palestinian Authority announced that, despite the opposition of Hamas resumed negotiations with Israel on the gas. Two months later, the Mission of Palestine to the UN in which Was not as an observer member strengthens the position of the Palestinian Authority in negotiations. Gaza Marine but remains blocked, preventing Palestinians from enjoying the natural wealth on which commercial sapace. At this point the Palestinian Authority flows into another road. On January 23, 2014, at a meeting of Palestinian President Abbas with Russian President Putin, the possibility of entrusting the operation of the Gazprom gas reserves in the waters of Gaza is discussed. Announced the Itar-Tass news agency, noting that between Russia and Palestine are no understandings to strengthen cooperation in the energy sector. With this framework, the exploration of new reserves in Gaza, also predicts that the oil reserves in the vicinity of the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank. In the same region, the Russian company Technopromexport is ready to participate in the construction of a thermoelectric complex with capacity of 200 MW. The formation of the new Palestinian national unity government, on June 2, 2014, reinforces the possibility of an agreement between Russia and Palestine as a port. Ten days later, on June 12, happens abduction of three young israelienses that are found dead on June 30: punctual casus belli that triggers the protective barrier operation against Gaza. Operation that returns the strategy of Tel Aviv, also aiming to seize upon the energy reserves of the entire Low Levant, including the Palestinians, Lebanese and Syrians, and that of Washington, supporting Israel, mira control of the entire Middle East, preventing Russia regain influence in the region. An explosive mixture in which victims are once again the same Palestinians.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 20:43:02 +0000

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