Alghamdulilah we can on Shukr the Almighty for choosing us to be - TopicsExpress


Alghamdulilah we can on Shukr the Almighty for choosing us to be the messenger in blessing people. One cannot describe the emotion running through you when beneficiaries express their heartfelt appreciation and 90% accompanied by tears as they are overwhelmed that their dream or at least part of their dream can become a reality . Its hard to hold back your own tears as you are thinking ...but i didnt do anything, i feel so humbled, i feel so small, i am but a tool in delivering these blessings from above. . ALL blessings come from Allah SWT and it is we who feels blessed to be able to hand over. Shukran once again to everyone who attended the FUNd DAY at Ratanga held 1 March 2014. it is your attendance that make this handovers possible to needy organisations and individuals. Their duahs/prayers are obviously extended to everyone who attended and made this a reality. CANSA RELAY FOR LIFE ATHLONE - Wadiah said to me..i didnt believe it when you said you giving us of the proceeds AUTISTIC 6yr old - Funds were allocated for this years fees. Mom so emotional as her son can NOW go to school and get the special training he desperately needs. Alghamdulilah...Shukr Allah. TODDLERS EDUCARE -fund will be used for needs as identified by them. Still do do other handovers. The event was not sold out which would have enabled me to give to more people or organisations but alghamdulilah all expenses and the most important beneficairies on my list were covered. those ones near and dear to my heart. Watch out for more and support MY EVENTS to give back to our community. Join me in working together for the hereafter as this world is nearing its end and we cannot take anything from this world to our grave BUT OUR GOOD DEEDS AND BLESSINGS FROM PEOPLE.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:13:58 +0000

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