All of you who knew Jake, knew he was good at so very many things! - TopicsExpress


All of you who knew Jake, knew he was good at so very many things! Not good.... AMAZING!!! Whether it was being an amazing bartender, friend, family member, co worker, customer, artist, listener, or in my case, soul mate. He did literally everything so wonderfully that it could only leave me thinking since day one of meeting him.... How in the world can a man be that good!?!?! At literally everything he does?!?! I would seriously get mad! His carved pumpkin looked better than mine! His choice of words made so much more sense and sounded so much smarter! He kept his cool so much further than I could ever tolerate. He forgave so quickly with one he cared for. He cleaned till things sparkled. He made me laugh till I honestly had to run to the bathroom before tinkling my pants!!!! I could go on and on. He would laugh at me as I got salty and stated such things. And humbled, he would say something(perfectly of course) that pointed out a flaw in what he did on whatever subject it was..... He would then make a point on whatever I did beautifully in his eyes.....and he truly felt it! Kinda like what Im doing right now, rambling, and not getting to the point( he always was straight forward and got to the point quickly, without question but reassured me every time that he loved my explanation within the madness).... I know a lot of things he was good at that most of you dont know. Id love it for all of you to share with me what you noticed along the way.... He turned this old wooden crate from broad street that was used as a six pack carton holder into a beautiful crate that perfectly matched my bike... Even put his signature/ sweet note in the bottom of it.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:24:02 +0000

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