Allaah says in His Book : O My Slave ! who have transgressed - TopicsExpress


Allaah says in His Book : O My Slave ! who have transgressed against themselves ! Despair not of Allaahs mercy : verily , Allaah forgives all sins . Truly He is Oft- Forgiving , Most Merciful . ( Surah Az- Zumar : 53 ) This blessed verse is letting us know that we should not despair of Allaahs Mercy , even if our sins equal to that of an ocean . It is not halal for a slave of Allaah to despair of Allaahs Mercy . It is also not allowed to make others depair of Allaahs Mercy . It was said that some of the salaf used to say : From the best advice is that a person does let a person lose hope of Allaahs Mercy and does not force a person to commit sins . Despair is the feeling of having lost all hope . Here the feeling of depair is losing all hope of Allaahs Mercy , And this can happen in two ways . The slave thinks that the door of repentance is closed for him . And the other is the slave says to himself there is no reason for obeying Allaah , the door is closed . This is how Shaytaan tricks the slave of Allaah . If only the slave understands that Allaah forgives all sins . In the first example is the example of the person that killed 99 people and asked the monk for advice the monk told him there is no repentance for you so the man killed him making it a total of 100 . That very same person met a person of knowledge and that scholar told him that Allaah forgives all sins . Please refer to the hadeeth in the two saaheehs . The second example is when a person wants to seek repentance and says to himself there are too many conditions for repentance and I cannot fulfill all of its requirements . So that person loses all hope . But the right stance in this affair is that what goes along with the verse . Allaah forgives all sins , so do not despair , do not lose hope . Let us repent today from all the sins that we have committed .
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:49:42 +0000

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