Allah SubhaanaWaTaala is the Most Gracious, the Giver of Baraqah, - TopicsExpress


Allah SubhaanaWaTaala is the Most Gracious, the Giver of Baraqah, the Bestower of Mercy, the Creator of Man and feelings and emotions, the Giver of Happiness and Joy, The Keeper of His Promises; He truly provides relief after every (seeming) sorrow... Alhumdulillah the most heart-warming, humbling and gratifying event in my life occurred today when Sadiq narrated an experience from his day at school: Two kids were laughing at him during recess yesterday while he was eating an overripe banana and were saying things like, How can you eat and even enjoy eating such a black banana? Alhumdulillah Sadiq chose to ignore them and continued finishing his meal. This afternoon he came back from school announcing that Allah SubhaanaWaTaala The All Knowing, All Seeing and All Hearing knew that what those boys did yesterday was bad, and so Allah made the Arabic teacher punish only those two and those very same boys in class today for misbehaving! I was overjoyed at hearing my little baby announcing with full conviction and faith that Allah The Almighty had done him justice Himself! My emotions overwhelmed me and I couldnt stop the tears from streaming down my cheeks; I couldnt stop thinking that Allah The Magnificent has blessed me with the best neimah in the world MashaAllah! Children have immense aqeedah. As parents, it is our prime duty to foster and reaffirm that faith, and at the same time reinforce that aqeedah in ourselves as well, so that we may try our best to ensure that our progeny carries forward the Noor of Imaan till the Day of Qiyamah! May Allah Rabb-ul-Aalameen bless Sadiq and all the children of the world with Noor in their hearts, the Kalimah on their tongues, and taqwa in their actions! AMEEN
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:45:31 +0000

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