Allow me to explain the significance of Lou Reed to my younger and - TopicsExpress


Allow me to explain the significance of Lou Reed to my younger and non-rocknroll friends: Modern genres of art start out as the domain of kids, upstarts and the non-serious. Then what happens is that at some point artists come along and take it seriously and give it depth. For example, Comic books were all 2-dimensional Im here to save the day superheros until Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore started taking them seriously publishing books like The Dark Knight, Watchmen, and The Sandman; stories that were heavy and human. Rocknroll before The Velvet Underground (Lou Reeds original band) was all about dancin, your girlfriend, cars and maybe smoking a joint. Lou Reed took rocknroll seriously and injected the weight and depth of real art and human experience into it. Plus The Velvet Underground were part of the high-art scene of New York in the 60s (rocknroll respected as art). In the 70s Lou Reed pushed the envelope of rock, with Iggy Pop and other down-n-dirty Glam, and put down the foundation for punk. So if you like rocknroll that is unhappy, challenging, deep, and aggro the grandfather of that died today.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:34:42 +0000

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