Along with some work colleagues, a friend of mine is getting ready - TopicsExpress


Along with some work colleagues, a friend of mine is getting ready to shop for some needy families for Christmas.She tells me she is very excited because last year was an amazing experience. They arrived at the home of one family. Upon arrival the mother pulled them aside and said, My daughter has started asking about getting a white kitten for Christmas...she just keeps asking about this white kitten, white kitten. We cant have any pets here, so please just dont pay any attention. they opened the gifts that were brought that day, the little girl found a beautiful stuffed animal among her gifts. A white kitten. Thats kind of nice...but not the whole story. The best part of the story is that the woman in charge of buying the gifts for this family was given a list of things the family requested. A white kitten was no where on it. Yet, on impulse, she added this white kitten to the list of gifts... after seeing it, down on the floor,having fallen off the display of stuffed animals in the department store. It was the only white kitten. And why she chose to buy it, she really doesnt know. But she did. Child thrilled. Magic. It reminded me of a situation of my own thirty years ago. We were discussing difficult people to shop for, and a woman I worked with said she had a friend whose child had a doll, and she wanted to get a pony...for the doll! It was not a brand name doll with plenty of accessories, where a toy pony would be designed to fit the doll. And they looked everywhere for a toy pony to fit this particular doll. No luck. Now, this is before eBay and the like, so they looked like they were out of luck completely. I was on a basketball trip, and needed to run in a pharmacy for something I had forgotten; cold pills, toiletries, I dont remember. But as I am walking toward the register I look, and there on a shelf, all by itself, nowhere near the toy section of the store, is a single, solitary stuffed pony. It wasnt especially expensive and while I didnt know if it would actually fit the doll, it seemed too much to ignore. I was by itself! Not in the toy section! Just sitting there, the only thing on the shelf! It fit the doll absolutely perfectly. But you probably didnt need me to tell you that. It simply is Christmas magic. I believe in it. I have come to expect it. Perhaps it is as simple as.coincidences that would be there all year if we kept our antenna up looking for them. Maybe. I dont know. But I do know its Christmas, and I am on a 5 decade streak of that magic coming every year...every single year. My antenna are up, and I dont expect the streak to end this year either.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 03:55:29 +0000

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