Alright guys so this is going to probably be a pretty long post, - TopicsExpress


Alright guys so this is going to probably be a pretty long post, you are by no means obligated to read it. This is basically my testimony of how God made me the person I am today. So if you couldnt tell already, this is largely based on a song. Give Me Your Eyes came out back when I was still in high school, and it pretty much became my prayer to God. If youve never heard the song, I strongly encourage you to listen to it. Anyways, when I heard this song it struck a chord with me. I knew that I was missing a lot of what was going on around me, instead choosing to live in my own little world (another great song). But anyways God decided to grant me this prayer. Now its not like I woke up one day and I was suddenly able to see what was going on around me better. But God placed amazing people in my life, and he put me through some truly life changing experiences, to shape me into the person who can see what is going on around me. I think that is part of the problem with our prayers some times, we expect God to just give them to us. When that isnt the way it works, God does things in our lives that allow us to become those people, to have those experiences, to become the person we and God want ourselves to be. Anyways, over the last years God has shaped me into the person I had asked him I could become. But the worst part was, I didnt even notice until I was already mostly there. God had been working in my life to do this for so long, but because it took such a long time I had hardly ever noticed. Now for those of you that dont know this, this is actually largely the reason in my big career change decision. I realized that going into computer programming, I couldnt effect those around me to the same extent. I wouldnt be using Gods gift that I had asked him for. Its kind of funny though also, since it was because of some of my experiences that I wound up coming to that decision. It was actually during a time when I was really sad, almost depressed really. I was looking for ways to make myself happy, and I came upon something. And then I realized that that same thing was something I could do for other people. But basically, I wanted to change the attitude of the world. Since I was able to notice those around me more, I began to notice all the pain we try to hide. Many of us put up fronts so as to make others think that our lives are going just fine as well. Honestly nothing hurts me more than when one of my friends will tell me to my face that they are fine, when I can clearly tell they are not. But often times I let those go as well, and maybe I should start confronting it. But thats where my awesome friends come in. I basically see myself as a drain for others pain, but I can only take so much before it wears me down. I try to take as much of others pain as I can, but I have a limit. God gave me some of the most amazing friends to help me with that though. Even when im especially weighed down, or even when they are, they are able to make me smile and laugh. They stick with me, and they give me the strength to keep doing what I try to do. Heck even when they arent doing so well, im still able to be recharged when I help them, because I know it makes a difference when I help them as well. But I guess thats pretty much it really, just kind of my story on how I ended up where I am. If I tagged you in this, its either because this actually includes you, or I thought youd like a good read, and in some cases both. So to my friends I have to say thank you all for being there for me when I really need it, you all keep my going :) And also I do apologize if some of this is jumbled/doesnt make sense, it is 3 something in the morning and ill make a pass at it tomorrow morning when im not mostly out of it haha.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 08:31:34 +0000

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