Alright, to those concerned about my sleep disorder. Heres an - TopicsExpress


Alright, to those concerned about my sleep disorder. Heres an update. Today I went to have a consultation discussing the results of my initial sleep study. I was told I have a mild case of sleep apnea, Restless Leg Syndrome (known), Insomnia (yeah... known), and that I need to follow a certain sleep and wake process along with a medication to assist with my RLS. On top of that, Im going for another sleep study to test out how I sleep on a cpap machine, to raise my oxygen levels while sleeping, as well as going to a psychologist for counseling of my anxiety and ADD/ADHD. My sleep routine will be no screens (television, phone etc) at least one half hour BEFORE I lay down for bed, which will be at 11 pm, no caffeine after 12 noon, no eating before bed. If I do not fall asleep within a half hour, get up, write down whatever it was that was keeping me awake (generally thoughts/ideas). Then once I wake up in the morning, I need to walk outside and be in the sunlight for a few mins to actually wake my body up properly. The entire point of this process is to fix what is called Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, or CRSD, The Circadian Rhythm is basically your biological clock, which affects body temp, alertness, appetite, and among a whole nest of things it controls, it also affects -SLEEP-. Basically it boils down to this: My body doesnt know when its supposed to fall asleep, only that its tired. Your circadian rhythm does not care about your social or work schedule, it just does what it feels is right, and one thing that helps adjust this, is sunlight (ew). When you see the bright blue hues from the sun in the morning, your body realizes its time to get up and be active, when the sunset happens with the shades of orange and red, it recognizes that its time to get ready for sleep. Those of you who took the time to read this, thank you, and wish me luck on my endeavor!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:43:55 +0000

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