Always know that meditation is an active process where you the - TopicsExpress


Always know that meditation is an active process where you the participant remain fully aware of what the awareness is doing. Then, overtime, dedication and perseverance meditation will transcend the thought process. Meditation begin with letting go of the outer environment i.e., your focus on the world . Then you begin the journey towards the heart. First relax the body, so you give instruction for the body to relax. Start with the feet, then slowly go up through the body relaxing and focus on bring the whole body to a place of stress free awareness from this practice. Then embrace the practice of focusing on the breath. Breath in love and breath out fear. Allow your awareness to show you what ever turns up for you, do not judge, just be the observer with out any judgment or input of what the awareness is doing. Meditation will over time transcend the self talk going on within your mind. You, the mediators, will transcend the random thought activity which is unproductive. Remember that your mind is like a noisy classroom full of rude children. Meditation gives you the opportunity to realize that your constant thoughts are not who you are. You will start to become aware of more. This more exists independent of your thoughts, then the awareness spontaneously expands out into a whole new level of knowing. So by taken time out everyday to communicate within the emerging Christ Self, an inner knowing will become a reality of what is truth. When truth is perceived and discovered, the emotional perceptions of the Diamond river of life will gather momentum and bring you to a place of self realization of what is true for you. With more and more people taken up meditation and more and more people experiencing contact with the Christ self , there will be a new wisdom born .So more and more people will begin to shift their focus to only positive constructive thought that does no harm to the experience of life. What will be taken place over the next couple of years is the removal of small mindedness, fear and thoughts blocking our potential. Our thoughts and minds have been thought fear. But fear has no real power, but the amount of energy and focus that we give these fearful thoughts, gives them life and these thoughts are energized with the emotion of fear. It is because we have free will to focus on imperfections that we create apparent imperfections. But now, within the consciousness of mankind, the truth of what our potential is, has been awaken. Out of this new awareness, a whole new world is awaiting to make its presence felt. This presence is awaken within us, the power of living in the NOW moment, by working to remember ourselves as spiritual being and making the choice to forget our former world of fear. It is time to embrace a new order within ourselves. It is only by having this inner agreement established within our consciousness that we’ll be able to take our rightful place as sons and daughters of God. Nothing can or will stand in the way of your awakening but that of your own resistance of fear and anxiety. Know that a small cup cannot hold much water, so it is time to expand the mind and allow the universe to expand your mind so it can hold a new level of awareness especially if it is already filled with inhibitions, fear and worthlessness of your own value. With this realization, you will understand that you will not be able to add value to your life or anybody else unless you empty out any misconceived idea that you have given your attention and focus to. So empty out old thoughts and associated feelings to make room for this new wisdom. Then you might then decide to examine your own beliefs and the pattern of your thoughts and then start to ask question how you could change what you are attracting to yourself.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 22:11:48 +0000

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