Always proud of Ohio! People frequently say that adoption costs - TopicsExpress


Always proud of Ohio! People frequently say that adoption costs too much time and money. Quite frankly, they’re right. For many would-be parents, these two factors are enough to stop them from ever considering adoption. The choice to give new life and a new home to a child in Ohio is slow and expensive, fraught with both red tape and fraud. In fact, adopting my son in Cleveland was much more difficult than adopting my daughter in Guatemala. Currently, Ohioans wait a whole year before they can leave adoption limbo. They endure a year of stress, a year of worries, a year of knowing full well that a child is theirs—but that this reality could be challenged at any moment. As part of its groundbreaking adoption reform legislation, Ohio Right to Life is working to change that—shortening the period that an adoption decree can be challenged to 60 days, a period that is still long enough to address concerns if they arise. In addition, to make the cost of adoption less forebidding and crippling, Ohio Right to Life’s adoption reform legislation will dramatically enhance the tax credit for adoption from $1,500 to $10,000, with the flexibility to roll over unused portions of the credit for four years. This provision alone would return thousands of dollars to adoptive parents, providing them with more economic freedom and choice to provide for all of their child’s needs. Furthermore, Ohio Right to Life’s adoption initiative will potentially eliminate a court hearing that can cost upwards of $1,500, shaving hundreds more off the cost of adoption. By slashing the cost of adoption and increasing the financial incentives to adopt, adoption will certainly not just be for the wealthy or those who have an equity line. The choice for life will be expanded beyond current economic boundaries, as the economic choices that families can make with their saved money are also expanded.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:20:37 +0000

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