Am I crazy or is it pretty much just the white Christian middle - TopicsExpress


Am I crazy or is it pretty much just the white Christian middle class who share all of these photos with one liners printed on them disparaging the President, promoting fear of immigrants (the new kind, not the ones of 200 and 300 years ago with faces like their own), claiming that social welfare programs are stealing their money, claiming their patriotism and undying support of the military, etc., ad nauseum. All private ownership of land in the United States is rooted in the taking of that land by physical force. Capital and Military share a mutually beneficial relationship. It is the nature of Imperialism. Empire. Imperialism, as defined by the Dictionary of Human Geography, is an unequal human and territorial relationship, usually in the form of an empire, based on ideas of superiority and practices of dominance, and involving the extension of authority and control of one state or people over another. Christianity (as it is practiced) has been the been the most important and successful weapon for the Imperialist forces which have colonized and overtaken this globe. It provides its participants with an infallible basis for superiority, an unquestionable belief on the part of its participants that their actions are supported by God, and a lack of motivation to progress beyond the teachings of the Apostle Paul. They are content with what they have - because it provides justification for what they do. The Roman Jew provided exactly what the Roman empire needed to subdue a continent and much of two others. A 1000 year dark age was the result. 1000 more years attempting to regain what was lost. With only a few brief spurts of intellectual and spiritual growth - and these eventually subdued by those empowered by the Devils Illusion (the priests working alongside the capitalists). According to the books, a man once walked up to Jesus and asked him what he must do to enter the kingdom of heaven. He claimed that he had kept all of the commandments. Jesus told him he lacked one thing - to sell all of his possessions and then follow him. The man could not do it because he had great wealth. Jesus taught to enter through the narrow gate. He said wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction. And many travel it. Narrow is the gate that leads to life - and few find it. About 75% of people polled in the United States identify themselves as Christian. I remember sitting in the sanctuary in Rosebud when I was first allowed to leave the nursery. I was most interested in the stained glass. The first question that I remember coming in to my head about what they were talking about in there was, What about the Indians (Native Americans)?. I received no suitable answer then or ever from a person in the church. As I entered my teens, I became really stuck on the teaching which dominates that place - that if you say a prayer and ask the lord into your heart - then you are forgiven of all sin and get to go to a place called heaven when you die. I attempted to approach this question logically and asked many teachers. Logic is no good in that place. Talk about an interested kid being patronized by those without authority to answer. Ultimately, I couldnt reconcile the problem - that it just didnt make any sense and I couldnt pretend to believe in something that I knew wasnt right. This was really Mohammeds primary problem with what the early Christians were teaching. The two things go hand in hand - espousing the belief that Jesus=God, and believing that because you espouse this, you are free from responsibility for your actions. Jesus had the same problem with the people he encountered. Even if Mohammed didnt understand the infinitely poetic nature of God as a father in the way Jesus did, they both put God above themselves. Jesus said, Why do you call me good? No one is good - except God alone. Jesus repeatedly taught that he was not the only son of God, that his brothers and mothers and sisters are those who hear the word of God and obey it. But in the same way Mohammed was angered by this presumed offense to God, the Pharisees also didnt understand and used this as their primary basis for condemning him. I dont think Mohammed would be angry at Jesus about anything if they were talking one on one. Im sure Jesus would just explain that God is infinitely powerful and it is nothing to Him/Her to be a father or mother. In fact, its their joy to do so. Once that was solved, I think they would agree on almost everything. They were both huge proponents of righteousness. It is the followers who think they are doing right when they stand behind these two for protection, thinking they are defending them. Remember who Jesus told to get behind him. I understand why this 50 some-odd percent of the country is locked in the defensive mode. Its not only fear, but a lack of perspective, and unfortunately a lack of education. The answers will not come from their side. They can defend their stronghold until the rains wash away the sands on which it is built. We, the thinkers, the dreamers, will find the answers. Without hate, and anger, and derision. Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people sharing all the world You may say Im a dreamer. I am.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 18:56:09 +0000

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