Amaran Allah SWT # 8 - 18-Jul-2014 Vladimir Putin’s Plane - TopicsExpress


Amaran Allah SWT # 8 - 18-Jul-2014 Vladimir Putin’s Plane Lapped MH17, May Have Been Target A Russian news agency, as quoting a source speaking on condition of anonymity regarding the fate of MH17 and how Putin’s flight may have been a factor. The unnamed Russian aviation source says that Putin’s plane dovetailed with the doomed Malaysian jetliner, and that given the proximity in both timing and location, the targeting of Putin is a distinct possibility: “I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft – 15:44 Moscow time… The contours of the aircrafts are similar, linear dimensions are also very similar, as for the coloring, at a quite remote distance they are almost identical.” inquisitr/1358339/report-vladimir-putins-plane-lapped-mh17-may-have-been-target/ Amaran Allah SWT # 1 - Malaysia Airlines Hemorrhaging Cash Malaysia Airlines, which was already hemorrhaging cash in the face of intense competition, has got a lot of work to do recovering from the disappearance of MH370, its CEO said Monday. economictimes.indiatimes/news/international/business/malaysia-airlines-has-work-to-do-fixing-image-ceo/articleshow/33395013.cms Amaran Allah SWT # 2 - 08-Mar-2014 At 07:24, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) reported the aircraft MH370 as missing. It was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 14 nations. Amaran Allah SWT # 3 - 24-Mar-2014 Dead ducks and emergency landing hit two MAS flights Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Seoul made an an emergency landing in Hong Kong yesterday after suffering an electricity-generator failure. Another MAS aircraft flew into a flock of ducks on landing in Nepal and had to postpone its return flight. forums.vr-zone/chit-chatting/3053948-malaysia-airlines-flights-make-emergency-landings-hong-kong-kathmandu.html Amaran Allah SWT # 4 - 24-Mar-2014 MAS flight diverted to HK A Malaysia Airlines flight developed a generator problem forcing the South Korea bound flight to land in Hong Kong. freemalaysiatoday/category/nation/2014/03/24/mas-flight-diverted-to-hk/ Amaran Allah SWT # 5 - 25-Mar-2014 Malaysia Airlines grounds plane as panicked passengers inflate life jackets (VIDEO) themalaymailonline/malaysia/article/malaysia-airlines-grounds-plane-as-panicked-passengers-inflate-life-jackets Amaran Allah SWT # 6 - 23-April-2014 Among the causes which prompt a landing gear tyre to burst is the weather factor, life expectancy and air pressure rate. All these must be taken into account by referring to the maintenance record of the aircraft involved, he explained. It then detected that its right landing gear was not functioning, causing it to fly back for an emergency landing at KLIA at 1.56am. Amaran Allah SWT # 7 - 15-May-2014 Malaysia Airlines flight grounded after aircraft belly hit by ground vehicle – Bernama Malaysia Airlines (MAS) has retimed its MH740/741 flights after the aircrafts belly was hit by an airside vehicle (ground vehicles used for maintenance, refuelling, etc.) at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) today. Netizens split over incidents involving MAS MAS INCIDENTS - -1- a run of bad luck, -2- sheer coincidence or -3- a sign that there are worse things in store [6.46] Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Bagaimana fikiran kamu, jika Allah melenyapkan pendengaran serta penglihatan kamu, dan Ia pula memeteraikan atas hati kamu? Siapakah Tuhan selain Allah yang berkuasa mengembalikannya kepada kamu? Lihatlah bagaimana Kami BERULANG-ULANG menerangkan tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami (dengan BERBAGAI CARA), dalam pada itu, mereka TETAP juga berpaling - ingkar. [17.41] Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menerangkan jalan-jalan menetapkan iktiqad dan tauhid dengan BERBAGAI CARA di dalam Al-Quran ini SUPAYA mereka beringat (memahami dan mematuhi kebenaran); dalam pada itu, penerangan yang berbagai cara itu tidak menjadikan mereka melainkan BERTAMBAH LIAR.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 02:02:58 +0000

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