Amazez is a rare type of Azeztulite, discovered in 2012 on an - TopicsExpress


Amazez is a rare type of Azeztulite, discovered in 2012 on an island off the African coast. It is marked by alternating bands of Amethyst and White Quartz. Amazez enhances clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, remote viewing, prophetic vision and psychic healing. It can stimulate intuitive abilites and creative inspirations. “Amazez is an ideal therapeutic stone for crystal practitioners. It can be used to bring spiritual aid, in the form of is powerful and purifying energies, to any weak or afflicted areas of the body. It does this through working primarily in the subtle body aspect of the individual––clearing any ‘clouds’ or gray areas from the auric field and ‘waking up’ the power of one’s Divine Blueprint. This allows the pattern of perfection to reestablish itself on the subtle body level, leading to the manifestation of wholeness and well-being on all other levels. Amazez is powerful enough to be used as a tool in ‘psychic surgery,’ allowing the practitioner to ‘cut out’ attachments, negative thought forms and unhelpful entities. “The sheer power of Amazez, combined with its purifying qualities, make it an ideal stone to use when clearing and individual or an area of all types of negativity. Whether these are subconscious negative programs carried in from past lives, or from bad experiences in this life––or whether they are energy-depleting entities picked up in bad environments––Amazez, used with clear intention, can dispel them from one’s energy field, as well as one’s environment. Wearing or carrying a piece can keep one’s personal field in a clear, pure, healthy state, while placing whole crystals of Amazez in one’s environment can have the same effect on one’s surroundings. These stones not only bring in the Light––they also keep the darkness at bay! “Amazez can purify one’s field in a way that makes possible conscious interaction with higher beings on many spiritual planes. The angels, and even the Azez themselves, can more readily approach one who has been purified by this stone. Amazez is an excellent stone for out-of-body travel, raising one’s vibration high enough to transcend the body while simultaneously protecting one from negative influences. It can be used in shamanic journeys, especially to the Upper World. “Amazez can powerfully activate the ‘Mouth of God’ chakra near the top of the spine at the back of the head. This is an extremely important point on the energy body, and is the source of many mystical experiences. It coincides physically with what is called the ‘reptile brain.’ The reptile brain, our oldest brain structure, has been mistakenly maligned, because it is seen as a ‘primitive’ part of the brain. However, it is also spiritually the portal of the risen kundalini as it pours in to illuminate the whole brain. It is called the ‘mouth of God’ esoterically because it is through this portal that the Breath of God flows into us, when conditions are right. Amazez can awaken and help open this critical passage so that our latent Divine energies can circulate properly and bring us to enlightenment. For this purpose, I recommend using a pair of crystals, one held at the third eye and another at the Mouth of God point. “Amazez harmonizes with all of the Azeztulites, as well as Auralite 23, Angeline Stone, Elestial Angel Calcite, Violet Flame Opal, Phenacite, Danburite, Scolecite, Brookite, Natrolite, Merkabite Calcite and Nirvana Quartz. It has a special affinity for Guardianite, and together they emanate a hugely powerful vibration of protection, purification and empowerment. “This interesting stone from off the coast of Africa appears to be a banded mixture of white Quartz and purple Amethyst, with v-shaped patterning. When we checked the energies, we were amazed to recognize that it vibrated in the frequencies of Azeztulite! This discovery confirmed what the Azez––the guardian angelic group soul responsible for all the Azeztulites––had foretold. Continent-by-continent, the energies of the Nameless Light are penetrating and activating more and more varieties of Quartz in an increasing number of locations. This process, and all the energies moving toward Planetary Vibrational Ascension, appears to have been accelerated, just as the Azez foretold.” “Amazez can purify one’s field in a way that makes possible conscious interaction with higher beings on many spiritual planes. The angels, and even the Azez themselves, can more readily approach one who has been purified by this stone. Amazez is also an excellent stone for out-of-body travel, raising one’s vibration high enough to transcend the body while simultaneously protecting one from negative influences.” —Robert Simmons & Naisha Ashian: “The Book of Stones”
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:57:20 +0000

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