Amazing Health Benefits of Almonds Health Benefits of Almonds 1 - TopicsExpress


Amazing Health Benefits of Almonds Health Benefits of Almonds 1 – Almonds for Weight Loss Research has shown that almonds raise levels of the hormone cholecystokinin, which is associated with a satisfied feeling of fullness and that although almonds can leave both women and men stay feeling fullness, women can stay feeling full for a longer time. According to other research, including almonds in a diet could promote the exclusion of less nutritious foods, which improves the entire nutritional quality of diet. Researchers have also discovered that almonds appear to help prevent carbohydrates from being absorbed in addition to stop their own fat from being absorbed. Another study revealed that supplementing a low calorie diet with almonds boosts weight loss. Supplementing low calorie diets with almonds, in comparison to complex carbohydrates, was associated with a 62% bigger reduction in weight, a 50% bigger reduction in waist circumference in addition to a 56% bigger reduction in fat mass. The researchers said the monounsaturated fat present in almonds helps to satisfy the appetite as well as stops individuals from overeating. Health Benefits of Almonds 2 – Almonds for Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s mice that were fed an almond rich diet exhibited much better on memory tests than mice fed the standard diet. Health Benefits of Almonds 3 – Almonds for Cholesterol A study established that consuming a variety of heart healthy foods which includes almonds can help decrease LDL cholesterol levels as much as statin medication. Individuals who consumed almonds lowered their total cholesterol by 5% and reduced their LDL cholesterol by almost 7%. Health Benefits of Almonds 4 – Almonds for Cancer In a study of rats exposed to a colon cancer-causing agent and fed almonds, it was found that almonds significantly prevented colon cancer. Nutrients in Almonds Almonds are a superb source of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils, protein, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, calcium and vitamin E. Almonds also have a number of antioxidants such as the flavonoids kaempferol and quercetin. History of Almonds Almonds are thought to have originated in Asia and have since Biblical times been cultivated in the Mediterranean, especially in Spain and Italy.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 12:51:53 +0000

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