America is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with these nations - TopicsExpress


America is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with these nations on behalf of our common security... The strength of this coalition makes clear to the world that this is not just America’s fight alone. - Barack Ill-Bomb-Ya So, the United States has begun bombing Syria, alongside a coalition of ruthless tyrants, including one of the most horrific regimes in the world, Saudi Arabia, the principal financier of al-Qaeda, along with Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, other major supporters of terrorist groups (and, I might add, the Saudis, Qataris and others have also provided arms, support and financing to ISIS as well!). The other dictatorships in the US coalition are Jordan and Bahrain, which has been violently repressing a democratic uprising in its own country for the past three years. So, when the United States stands with some of the worlds most horrific regimes, including the major state-sponsors of terrorism in the world (apart from the US, Britain and Israel), all dictatorships run by family dynasties with a proven track record of committing atrocities, supporting the civil war in Syria, plunging Libya into civil war, supporting the military coup in Egypt, and the SUPPORTERS OF ISIS, you know that US intentions are obviously purely benevolent and humanitarian. After all, ISIS is a direct product of the US invasion, occupation and civil war in Iraq, then the US-supported civil war in Syria, where the US and these same coalition partners have been arming al-Qaeda and other groups against the Syrian government, plunging the country into abject violence and misery and mass human suffering. So, since bombs, tyrants and empire created this mess and created ISIS in the first place, obviously the only appropriate response to this Frankensteins monster is to pursue the same policies that created ISIS in the first place. Toss more oil on the fire, in a region already flooded with oil, while telling the complacent public that, this is how we put out a fire! Nope, this is how you turn a fire into a raging inferno. Now we are supposed to sit back and wait for the region to explode even further, for new monsters to be made, and, no doubt, we will be told how we have to bomb and destroy other groups and nations in the future, ALWAYS, just to protect human beings and democracy and freedom and all that empty rhetoric bullshit. And the manipulated and propagandized public nod along, admiring the international coalition of tyrants and mass murderers who are supporting the US mass murder on behalf of tyrants. If there were any justice in this world, Obama & Co., and all his predecessors, would be facing war crimes and crimes against humanity trials at The Hague. But, sadly, there is no justice, only hypocrisy and sad days for humanity. And so the US war OF terror continues, accelerates and inflames. Tyrants, terrorists and imperialists rejoice! nytimes/2014/09/24/world/middleeast/us-isis-syria.html?_r=0
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 22:51:45 +0000

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