Amidst all the tragedy, confusion, distrust, and confusion going - TopicsExpress


Amidst all the tragedy, confusion, distrust, and confusion going on surrounding the recent killings of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, I wanted to share a quick testimony that occurred over my lunch hour. Today, I met up with another black friend at a downtown Omaha coffee shop. We hadnt seen each other in a while and were catching up on life, talking about how God has been working in our lives, and talking about His plan for us. After chatting, we prayed for each other. After prayer, a white police officer stopped by our table... The officer stopped by and said that he has seen a lot of people come by the coffee shop, but told us how great it was to see two people praying openly. We then had a short conversation with the officer, and my friend asked him if he had anything going on in his life that he would like us to pray for. We then prayed with the officer. The officer then proceed to show us two tattoos that he had on each wrist. The tattoos read Ephesians 6:13-16 and Micah 6:8. The Ephesians verse discusses putting on the full armor of God and taking the shield of faith. The Micah verse discusses Gods desire for us to act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with God. The officer said that these tattoos help to remind him that even if He is wearing a bulletproof vest or any other protection, it is ultimately God that will protect him. Additionally, the Micah verse helps to keep his mind in the right place about using his weapon. That he prays that he uses it justly and never in anger or to get revenge and settle a score. To me it showed evidence of trying to keep a Godly perspective on his job and that he acts justly. I write all this to say that, there is a lot of confusion, anger, conflict occurring right now... understandably so. However, all of this is a result of the sin, the darkness, in this world. However, Jesus, the light, bought all of us together to pray and reflect and fellowship with one another. The way things are being presented now, we were supposed to be enemies. However, Christ bought us together fellowship with one another. One of the other things that we prayed about is the ability to share my story to help others. I pray that this story will bring light to some people given all of the darkness that is going on recently. I pray that we can realize that our enemies are not flesh and blood, but the powers, principalities, the rulers of darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12). To God be the glory!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 21:08:26 +0000

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