Amnesty International issued ( Amnesty International ) a statement - TopicsExpress


Amnesty International issued ( Amnesty International ) a statement in which it condemned the bad situation of human rights in Saudi Arabia, accusing it of failing to deliver on promises made four years ago to address these violations. Saudi diplomats was announced during a meeting of the Commission on Human Rights in Geneva in 2009 accepted a series of recommendations to improve the human rights situation , the organization accuses Riyadh not to fulfill any of those promises, but on the contrary , it has stepped up the Kingdom of repression during this period. Accusations to the Saudi authorities containing details of human rights violations , including torture and ill-treatment and arbitrary detention of activists and مطالبي reforms , including the founders of the Association for Civil Rights and Political Rights , which was established in 2009, and who have been detained for peacefully exercising their rights to freedom of expression , among them Abdullah al-Hamid and Mohammad al-Qahtani , who sentenced to ten years in prison for Hamed, 11 Qahtan Add to prevent them from traveling after being released. List of abuses in the kingdom long , including executions based on trials urgent and confessions extracted under torture , including violations of discrimination against women in law and practice , and discrimination against minorities and mistreatment of expatriates , most of these violations deployed in the Gulf states , albeit to a lesser extent , but Saudi Arabia relies on political and economic influence and the media to prevent the international community from criticizing its bad human rights record . In defense of its record on human rights review achievements (according to its report to the United Nations Council for Human Rights in Geneva yesterday) through its prominent role within the Group of Twenty advocate for the rights of developing countries , where waived on more than six billion dollars of debt owed by developing countries , in addition to its contribution in the amount of half a billion dollars to the World Food Program , according to the report, as provided by the Saudi aid and loans during the last three decades, more than a hundred billion dollars , benefiting 95 developing countries , does not seem to Kingdom report addresses the core issue which violations against citizens, and not justice social . Although rich Saudi Arabia there is a large proportion of the population , estimated by some economic figures by 50 percent , they are below the poverty line , and this is a concern and protest not only from Saudi citizens and even some princes of the royal family , such as Khalid Al-Faisal , who asked the Saudis not to believe the argument that Saudi Arabia State of the richest countries in the world . If Atva on the proportion of young people that about 60 percent of the population , we are witnessing a practical recipe to the dilemma of large internal and balance embarrassment can be a result of the developments affecting the economic equation or political in the region (such as for defect military and senior politician in the Gulf region or oil prices fall sharply ), to push the Kingdom to large خضات or trends can not control them. Did not witness the Kingdom serious attempts to solve the problems of social justice which , has been considered by many as economic decisions issued in 2012 grain analgesia for pain more than treat him , while I went other decisions later against the resident non-Saudis, so that made the idea of bringing citizens of the Kingdom of indigenous replace their fellow Arabs and foreigners in all economic sectors as desired solution . Saudi Arabia invoke invoking the Islamic sharia law in some laws , including the death by the sword بالساحات public and skin and cut sides , a procedure that existed penalties by nearly four centuries , while benefited the kingdom of economic developments and industry that took place during this period , but it rejects any development the Penal Code. Amnesty Internationals report comes on the eve of the Saudi women s preparations for breach of the law to prevent them from driving a car, where select activists on Saturday to challenge the ban . It is ironic that women in Saudi Arabia deprived of driving license car accept remarkably possession license planes Gairokopetr and Albroomotr and Mitrolaat sailing , where local reports said that this phenomenon find large turnout in recent times , although the prices of its approximately 35 thousand dollars. Coincides Amnesty Internationals report with the decision of Saudi Arabia not to accept the seat of the UN Security Council at the United Nations , which shed light on the confusion in the decision-making process in the Kingdom , and also about the reasons that pushed to run and then to withdraw, and all point to a sense of Saudi Arabia that there is a decline in turn and weight regional and fear of a settlement between the West and Iran , to be calculated and the expense of the Arabs in general
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 18:00:48 +0000

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