Amnesty Push – Unions And Regime Double Teaming Citizens In - TopicsExpress


Amnesty Push – Unions And Regime Double Teaming Citizens In Recruiting, Organizing Illegals As Political Foot Soldiers Posted on 25 December, 2014 by Rick Wells There’s no time to waste in the race to the finish, the climax of the fundamental transformation of America and the elimination of the American people from the self-governance equation. With the mechanism for importing a diluting population barely in place, the subversives and their operatives are moving quickly to put it into action and to make the 2016 election the first in which the outcome is decided under a de facto one-party system. Labor Unions, such as the largest in the country, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), have supported the illegal Obama amnesty in spite of the serious negative impact it will have on the wages of their vulnerable low-skilled members. Union membership carries with it an obligation to follow the herd and abandon critical thinking, even when doing so is economically irresponsible and against your own best interests. In that regard, the union members who thoughtlessly obey and allow their leadership to use them as tools almost deserve what they get. The problem is that their lack of spine and a place to which a thinking organ could theoretically be attached affects us all. The low intellect peasants of Central America and their Mexican counterparts who will benefit from the illegal amnesty declaration were chosen precisely due to their ignorance and their ease of manipulation. They will do as they are told in service to their new union masters and the Democrat Party chieftains. SEIU Local 1 President Tom Balanoff told the Associated Press, “I think we’ll see very positive changes. One of them, I hope, is that more workers will come forward and want to organize.” He can count on it. In fact, they’ve surely identified individuals to fill that role already. Towards the goal of gathering membership and a mailing list, the SEIU launched a new website,, which informs the newly liberated border crashers in America how to seize upon this opportunity to force their presence upon the American people. It conveniently includes a voter registration widget, which seems unnecessary and out of place for illegals who the regime claims would not be allowed to vote. It would make sense, however, if one were expecting them to continue with their historic disregard for the laws of our country and vote illegally, as instructed, for Democrats. In tactics worthy of the Bolsheviks, that illegal vote would further reinforce the labor union position through their increased membership, voting bloc and political power. The SEIU isn’t shy about publicly declaring at least a portion of their intentions, saying, “Even if the immigrants aren’t citizens and cannot vote, they can help unions by paying dues and doing the heavy lifting needed around election time–knocking on doors, driving voters to the polls and making phone calls for pro-labor candidates.” So the union admits it is recruiting political operatives and we all know how rampant Democrat voter fraud is entrenched in our system. It is a cornerstone of Democrat get-out-the-vote efforts. Breitbart notes how other labor agitator groups, such as the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers are also engaged in the recruitment of illegals into their ranks. The negative effect of importing replacement workers will not impact the unions in the least. Only the ethnicity of the surnames of their members will change. The flow of dues will continue and increase regardless of the unfortunate individuals, the U.S. citizens they supposedly represent, who are forced out of a job in the process. In a December of 2011 broadcast, Rush Limbaugh addressed comments made by former SEIU head and Obama crony Andy Stern in which Stern indicated that the best path forward for the United States was to emulate Red China. Limbaugh said, “Mr. Stern was president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and is now senior fellow at Columbia University’s Richman Center.” Let me sum this up for you: Andy Stern says capitalism and free markets have been shown not to work, they are a fraud; that what we need to do is to become China. China is communist. That’s what we need to do.” Obama and the Democrats are at a minimum socialists, that is not disputable. They are the operatives for the negative forces which are finalizing their takeover of our nation. Illegal amnesty will seal that deal. If they are successful in forcing it upon us, the last major hurdle to their coup will be overcome. We will have arrived in New China. Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 00:34:48 +0000

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