Among those that are most properly called qualities a condition of - TopicsExpress


Among those that are most properly called qualities a condition of a person that is in virtue of which he is said to have such and such disposition or habit is the first class of the category of qualities. The second class of the category of qualities is said of a person in virtue of his in born capacity or incapacity. A third class within this category is that of affective qualities and affections. Those that possess these conditions are themselves said to be such and such by reason of these conditions presence. what is meant is that these said qualities are capable of producing an affection in the way of perception. The fourth sort of quality is figure and the shape that belongs to a thing; and besides this, straightness and curvedness and any other qualities of this type; each of these defines a thing as being such and such. Because it is triangular or quadrangular a thing is said to have specific character, or again because it is straight or curved; in fact a things shape in every case gives rise to a qualification of it. These, then, are qualities, and the things that take their name from them as derivatives, or are in some other way dependent on them, are said to be qualified in some specific way. In most, indeed in almost all cases, the name of that which is qualified is derived from that of the quality. The the terms whiteness, grammar, justice, give us the adjectives, grammatical, just, and so on. Categories (or Categoriae), by Aristotle.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:39:37 +0000

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