An Interfaith Dialogue: Does Islam Says Convert or Die? The - TopicsExpress


An Interfaith Dialogue: Does Islam Says Convert or Die? The Verdict is Out On ISIL (A Must Read) HEMMINGWAY: Let me ask you a question Imam Muhammed. When we were talking earlier, you said that the American Muslim Mission is part of the World Wide Muslim Movement; you said that you feel that Muhammed is the last Prophet, that he completes the Prophecy of the Hebrew Bible, the Christian Gospels and the Quran. That it is a universal movement. Therefore, it would seem to me that if you believe that he was the last Prophet, he was the completion of the Judeo/Christian Heritage, and that it is universal that you believe in converting people to the Muslim faith. IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: Certainly, we believe in converting people. Long ago they have stopped believing in proselytizing. They believe that we are only supposed to live our religion and if we see members of the Muslim society going away from their religion, we are supposed to make some effort to revive their faith. But, I disagree; I think we have to carry the tradition of Prophet Muhammed. If he hadnt preached there would have been no pagans converted and we would still perhaps have a savage Arabia. But, because of him proselytizing, Arabia became civilized. HEMMINGWAY: So you think that it is a mission, as the Christians feel? Most Christians feel (Imam Muhammed for certain) that you have the mission to convert all people, Jews and Christians. IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: No we cant convert anybody; our religion tells us the same thing that Christians Bible tells them. I believe it was Jesus who said it (On Him Be Peace)... that power to convert is with his Father. We believe none of us can convert anybody. All we do is share with them what Prophet Muhammed gave us and they have to make that decision for themselves. HEMMINGWAY: I understand that, but, do you feel that you have a mission to attempt to convert people to the Muslim faith? IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: We have a mission to share what we have with other people, if they want it. HEMMINGWAY: I still dont get what youre saying; I mean to share it just as a dialogue, rather than to persuade them that this is the true religion? IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: No, we have no right to force them or compel them to accept our religion. There is no justification anywhere... RABBI: Would you seek to argue persuasively, trying to convince people... IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: No. Only if we are attacked. If we argue or if we are debated, we are to debate the issues. But, if we are not debated, then there is no point in debating. We are simply to invite... it says Invite the people to the way of Gd and those who want it, let them accept. It says, And those who do not want it, let them reject it. This is the Quran. HEMMINGWAY: Okay, what happens to those who reject? IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: They reject, thats all. HEMMINGWAY: Is there any punishment? IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: Punishment? No! In Egypt, Christians and Muslims live side by side. In Medina... Jews were enjoying religious freedom in the time of our Prophet (On Him Be Peace). RABBI: No, in the world to come... IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: Yes! In Medina, Jews and Muslims lived together in peace for a long time and..., HEMMINGWAY: Well what does your faith say about the Hereafter? IMAM: No. I think I need to say this. In Spain, for seven hundred years, Muslims, Jews and Christians lived in peace together for seven hundred years under Muslim rule. HEMMINGWAY: Well, Jews and Christians have lived peacefully together too; but, nevertheless, many Christians feel it is their mission and their duty to convert those Jews to the true faith. So my question isnt so much the fact that, I think I happen to agree with you that the best of all possible worlds is that all people are allowed to believe in their own faith without coercion from anybody. But, lets get away from that for a minute here, and ask what the Christians for example bases their reason for conversion on a promise of the Hereafter through Jesus Christ. And, that those who do not accept that may not be in favor with Gd in the world to come. So, I am asking you now as the leader of the Muslim faith here in America who believes its a universal movement, who believes that Muhammed is the completion of the Judeo/Christian roots. What about those people who reject the religion of the Muslims? Is there a penalty for them in the world to come, in the Hereafter? IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: Those who reject, certainly, there is a penalty for them. If they reject something that is good, there is a penalty for them. If we reject anything thats good we are going to suffer the consequences. We are going to suffer bad consequences. But, if you mean simply because they dont accept our religion. No! Our book tells us that matters are judged on intention, and if people sincerely believe in Christianity and they do good, they will go to heaven. They will have paradise. HEMMINGWAY: So that these are not just one path to heaven in the Muslim theology. IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: No! No! There are some scholars ... Ive heard some people who call themselves scholars in the religion say recently and I have heard this, ....that the scriptures I quote referred to earlier times and later scriptures came and cancelled that. That now if anyone rejects our religion, he doesnt go to paradise. I disagree. I simply disagree. Because, I see that the spirit throughout the whole book from cover to cover is saying that if one does good, and has faith, one believes in Gd, and they do good works then they have no reason to fear that they will not be admitted into heaven. HEMMINGWAY: So you find no difficulty at all in accepting the plurality of faiths and saying that there are several paths to heaven... that this is the path you prefer and you choose? IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: The Quran, I believe, insists that we accept the plurality of faith on earth. It says, If Gd had wanted all people to belong to one faith, He would have made it so. HEMMINGWAY: It is quite interesting that you say that, because I think we could probably, as with any faith, put on different members of the Muslim faith and they would have different opinions. It is rather nice to know the difference. IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: Yes, or Christians or maybe Jews too. HEMMINGWAY: Exactly, we could get on four Jews, four Christians and we would find them having different points of view, which I think is quite healthy. IMAM W DEEN MOHAMMED: It is encouraged in our religion. Year of Dialogue 1982
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 02:42:39 +0000

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