An Officer and An Inmate: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE SAME OPPOSING - TopicsExpress


An Officer and An Inmate: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE SAME OPPOSING FORCES. I want take you back to 2006 when my law enforcement career first started. I graduated from the police academy in 2006 and began my journey in law enforcement, having no idea where it would take me. I just knew that this is where I was going to be for 20 years, I thought I knew this was my calling from God. I worked in Cumming, Georgia for just shy of 3 years as a police officer and loving it. I was trained by a Sergeant who trained me to (lack of a better term) hate people. Everyone from traffic violators to hardened criminals I hated, really hated! I referred to everyone as a “maggot” no matter what they did or how they acted. If I had any contact with you in a negative way, I had nothing good to say about you. After a few months of this going on , I felt God speak to me saying, “Stop talking about my people.” I ignored the words of God, and continued on in my hatred. Due to me continuing on in my hatred, I became bitter and hard hearted toward human race. Don’t get me wrong, I treated most everyone with respect to their face, but anytime I was by myself, with other officers, or at home I would unload with these harsh words about the people I had encounter throughout the day. So, I continued with this hatred and it got worse and worse and worse. In February 2007 I got married to my first wife. I continued to live in the this hatred and then I began dipping and drinking. By the end of the year I was divorced due to lengthy circumstances. By May 2008 GOD HAD, HAD ENOUGH of my nonsense. May 10th 2008 God took my job from me. From May 10th 2008 to December 28th 2008 I was unemployed. God began to deal with me about this situation, and I began to listen. Between May 10th and December 28th I began to apply for law enforcement agencies across the state. To make a long story short, I got a job as a police officer in Macon, Ga. While in Macon I began to fall back into the same old rut. Meaning, I began to fall back into the same thought process about God’s people…the general public. This time the hatred, anger, and bitterness was worse than it was the first time. I began drinking a lot more (everyday) and sometimes all day on my off days. In February 2013 God spoke to me again, and “Leave Macon PD.” I thought surely this is not God speaking, because in my eyes everything was going great. Then I heard God say several times, “This is going to hurt, but leave Macon PD.” So, while working as a campus police officer part-time at a local community college in Macon God really began to speak to me again about leaving. One day while I was there I ordered a pizza from a local Pizza Hut and the order was really messed up. I got so mad that I contacted the Better Business Bureau and filed and very strong complaint. A few days went by and I had forgotten about it. A couple of weeks later, while at the house, I was watching TV and my phone rang, it was the area coach for Pizza Hut. We spoke about my past order and then our conversation took a turn about me going to work for them. WHAT!!! Anyway, I took the job and began my position as an RGM in February 2013. I worked with the company for 4 months and my job didn‘t work out. I then got a job with the police department in Roberta, Georgia. They were only paying $10.00 per hour with part-time hours. Needless to say, we could not make ends meet on that pay. So, we lost everything and moved in with my mother in Buford. We moved our family of 5 in with my mother and sister on August 01, 2013. By this time, I was extremely angry with God, and told him “I will get another job back in law enforcement, no matter what you say.” After moving my family in with my mother, I began applying for other law enforcement agencies. I applied for several, and no one was hiring. Then there was Hall County! I applied and everything went so smoothly, it was like it was meant to be. Throughout the hiring process, up until the last few steps, I never knew that it was for a jailer position. When they told me, it was too late to turn the job down. I had to take the job or I would be divorced…haha!!! So, I was hired with the Hall County Sheriff’s. So, I told God “I told you so, I told I would get a job back in law enforcement!” As soon as I started working inside this jail God really began to deal with me but I kept ignoring him, It was like I was resentful because this was a jailer job not a patrol job. One day approximately 4 to 5 months ago, I was moved down to the first floor, “B side.” Also known as “B-1.” I had never worked B-1 before so, I was new to all of the inmates. There was one particular inmate that was out working when I came onto the floor, his name was “Jason Williams.” One of the first few nights of working B-1 Jason walked up to me and began to minister to me, like I have never experienced before. Jason began to tell me about my depression, anxiety, bitterness and why I was plagued by them. Jason Williams read my mail, and it made really me mad. Jason had already been preaching in POD 172 every night. For several weeks I witnessed this and God began to deal with me heavily. Then along came “Smurf” Elmer Ochoa. This guy was like Jason’s sidekick, where ever Jason was Smurf was right there. Smurf and Jason began to really witness to me and really pray for me that I would change my heart and totally surrender to God. One day God was dealing with me, while Jason was talking to me, Jason said to me, “you got to totally surrender brother.” I looked and him and said, “Jason, I don’t know how.” Weeks went by and Jason and Smurf stayed in prayer for me. Every time I would come to work Jason and Smurf both would began to hit me with the word, and start witnessing to me. Jason has now began telling me every night how God has been spealing to him and been telling him that we would be working together on the outside spreading the gospel. When I got to B-1 “Revival 172” had already been started by Jason Williams. One Sunday morning my wife came to me and said, “let’s go to church,” and I said, “ok where?” We talked about it for a little while and we decided on “Free Chapel.” I was not feeling it, I did not want to be there, and on top of that we were extremely late. So, after getting to Free Chapel we got coffee and went to the overflow area and sat down. We had already missed half of service, but can I tell you something??? God changed me sitting in that overflow area. There was no special song or word from pastor Franklin, nothing of that sort. I can say I was never the same man after that Sunday at Free Chapel. I came back to work Monday night, and there was an inmate complaining about another officer, and right in front of Jason and Smurf I said, “have you prayed for her????” Jason and Smurf were blown away, not by me, but they had knew right then that I was different from the inside out. God began showing me visions and dreams. The very first dream that God had shown me was the same one God had shown to Jason. Jason and I traveling the country and globe preaching the gospel to millions. Then God gave me a vision of what the movement God had started with Jason inside the jail was going be called. God said call it “REVIVAL 172.” I told Jason and he agreed. God then called me to continue Revival 172 on the outside. So, my wife and I went to work on this vision. I explained it to Jason and we both prayed about it. When I say, “Jason Williams is my partner in Revival 172” I mean that and it came from God Almighty. Does everyone see what is happening here? My entire career I have hated inmates and law breakers with all my heart. God placed me inside of a jail, where I am surrounded with them. Not only that but God takes it one step further, he puts me in a position to where I have to serve them everything, I have to be a servant among these men! Then God takes it one MORE step further, He uses an inmate, Jason Williams, to witness to me and lead me back to the Lord. HOW AWESOME IS THAT! Every night I would pull Jason and Smurf out to work and we would talk about scripture and Revival 172. Jason continued to preach the gospel in POD 172 and Smurf continued to witness to everyone as well. I came into work one night and learned that they had done a mass move. They took everyone on the 1st floor and put them on the 3rd floor and put everyone on the 3rd floor on the 1st floor. I was pretty bummed outL. I took it for what it was. In the jail you have an “A” side and “B” side. The floors go up in the order of 1, 3, & 5 on both “A” & “B” sides. Well Jason went from B-1 to B-3 where he continued to preach the gospel, and a Holy Ghost revival started on the 3rd floor just like on the 1st floor. Well after they a few weeks Jason was sent back down to the 1st floor in POD 178 for a brief moment, and then the trouble started. That was where Jason met Cody Meister (The guy singing on the news). Well, one morning Jason got up to use the restroom and when he did a few inmates were smoking. The guard at the time seen this and took them to lockdown. Can you guess where that is??? THE 5th FLOOR!!! So, Jason spent 7 days in solitary confinement for the smoking (that he didn’t do). What this disgruntle guard did for a setback God used for a setup. How you might wonder, well I will tell you. The 5th floor is the only floor Jason has not been to, to spread the gospel. Well, after Jason’s 7 days in solitary confinement, he was brought over to B-5, where he stated preaching the gospel. That’s where R.B (Ron Kinsey) was saved, and come to know Jesus Christ as his personal savior. By the time all this had happened we were on the 1st week of Revival 172 on the outside. On the first week of Revival 172 we met at the business center of my apartment complex, and between 6 and 8 people showed up. God showed up and one person got saved. The 2nd week I had to cancel due to my vehicle, and on the 3rd week is where more trouble started. R.B and Cody Meister showed up, after bonding out of jail a few days before. I preached on Romans 12:2 and about not conforming to this world. Cody and R.B. both gave their testimony and Cody sang his song that he wrote in jail (which was also aired on the news). Well, Jason’s ex-wife sent me text on Sunday night at 10:20 saying that they put Jason back into solitary confinement for some reason, and that he does not know why. I knew and Jason knew why. REVIVAL 172. I worked Monday night, and Tuesday at 2:50 pm the jail called my wife and told her to tell me to be in the 1st Lieutenant’s office at 4:00 pm. They would not tell me what it was about. When I got to the jail they took me in the office, and the first thing the first lieutenant said, “Explain Revival 172 to me.” I explained everything to him, and then he asked, “who all is attending these services?” I told him about the last 3 weeks and when I told him about Cody and R.B. attending the conversation took at turn. Then he asked me to explain the Revival 172 donation page (gofundme/revival172). I told him that the money was going to be used to purchase bibles for inmates in this jail and surrounding county jails. Also, the money was going to be used for food, clothing, hygiene products, diapers, wipes, formula and for operation for this ministry. I told him that these items were going to the families and children of the incarcerated. He asked me if I had taken any money for this cause, and as of then I hadn’t, so I said no. I was told by the first lieutenant that it was ok to plug these guys (ex-inmates) in at church somewhere but it was NOT ok to lead them. I was asked to leave the office because he had to think. I was called back in an told I could resign or I would be terminated. So, I resigned and that’s where we are today. Jason is still in solitary confinement and Jason was told by several officers that he was put there to keep him from getting close to officers and preaching in the PODS. They have him under “Protective Custody.” The other part to this powerful ministry is still in jail (Jason Williams) without representation legally, and he is earnestly seeking God’s face for his direction. Jason Williams is definitely called by God to spread the gospel with me, and he needs a Godly attorney to represent him in his case. Please spread this word of encouragement and someone please reach out to him in jail so we can fulfill God’s calling with Revival 172. At the end of the day I know it is all about GOD’S timing and GOD’S will. I’m asking for everyone to please pray for Jason Williams and to spread his story across the world and social media. This is a unique story of an officer and an inmate winning souls for Christ and spreading the gospel! Stay tuned for more on Jason Williams’ testimony and how God got him to where he is. Also, I will be posting a vision God started with Jason and completed with me. God is moving in Revival 172, my life, and Jason’s life. PLEASE TUNE IN TOMORROW FOR THE VISION THAT GOD GAVE TO US BOTH, AND THIS IS THE VISION THAT WILL GET JASON OUT OF JAIL…. TO BE CONTINUED…
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:26:55 +0000

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